
Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group: year 1 report - October 2021

A progress report from the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group summarising the group's perspective on progress made against the actions set out in the Additional Support for Learning Action Plan.

4. Key year 1 headlines

In a challenging climate, ASLIG has made progress in setting up a robust and extensive programme management framework around the delivery of the recommendations of the Independently Chaired Review of Additional Support for Learning.

Key achievements in year 1 have been the delivery of a Vision Statement for success. This has beendeveloped by the Inclusion Ambassadors, a group of young people who have additional support needs, and the evidence led commissioning of a new measurement framework for 5 learners with additional support needs to help drive and monitor the achievement of this vision.

A degree of national cross policy discussion has started, but to limited effect. ASLIG considers that despite the best efforts of its members and the civil servant team, the inclusion of pupils with additional support needs as a priority across public service spending, resource, and policy making is still a significant challenge.

Inclusion of children and young people with additional support needs is still too often an after-thought. ASLIG members and the bodies they represent still experience very real challenges in advocating for the consideration of learners with additional support needs in mainstream policy making and resource allocation.

This is evidenced through the fact that key opportunities to align Additional Support for Learning outcomes as a key focus area in the National Improvement Framework, in the review of the OECD Curriculum for Excellence review, and in the Scottish Education Recovery Group financial plan have so far been either missed or significantly under-utilised.

It is the opinion of ASLIG that pupils who have additional support needs, their families, and their teachers require us to do more.

As it moves into year 2 of the delivery against the recommendations of the Independently Chaired Review of ASL, ASLIG will progress with the oversight of the delivery of those recommendations. In addition, ASLIG will take the opportunity to pause and reflect on evidence about the impact of the pandemic on children who have additional support for learning needs and the associated education recovery plan.

Beyond this, as an Implementation Group, in order to promote cultural, systems level change in the achievement of effective and additional support for all learners who need it, we also intend to reflect on evidence about what is working in other policy areas. An example is the approach recently taken by The Promise, which was commissioned at significant scale, role and profile to drive the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review: #KeepThePromise - The Promise.

ASLIG considers that the Independently Chaired Review of Additional Support for Learning has provided a very welcome first step in identifying where focused improvements will be made, and we are committed to driving its implementation. We have proposed to the Scottish Government and COSLA that the Group takes the opportunity to reflect on the above, and to re-engage with families and other key stakeholders to inform the ongoing priorities of the Group into Year 2 of its work programme.



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