
Additional Support for Learning review action plan: second progress report

Progress report from the Scottish Government and COSLA providing an update on work undertaken since November 2021 and summarising the actions to be taken to deliver the recommendations from the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Children & Young People's Engagement, Participation and Rights

There has been significant work in support of delivery of Children and Young People's Engagement, Participation & Rights. There are 14 recommendations in support of this theme, of these 3 are completed with the majority of the others ongoing. Key progress to support delivery of actions within this theme is summarised below.

Since the publication of the Young Ambassadors for Inclusion's (YAI) vision statement in August 2021, they have also produced a resource pack schools can use to support the meaningful participation of children with additional support needs. The Ambassadors also launched the Success Looks Different awards. These awards showcase how schools support and celebrate the achievements of pupils with additional support needs. The vision statement remains the driver for all our engagement work with children and young people to support the delivery of the Additional Support for Learning action plan. The vision statement also provides our key guiding principle, that the Scottish Government always seeks to create opportunities to enable children and young people to be involved fully and listened to in additional support for learning policy development.

"[It] makes you believe in yourself, I used to not speak but now more confident."

Quote from a Young Inclusion Ambassador

Education Scotland have incorporated the Young Ambassadors for Inclusion's vision statement into a number of professional learning programmes including the GTCS professional recognition programme for dyslexia and inclusive practice, the Into Headship Programme and Regional Professional Learning opportunities.

We have also established the Additional Support for Learning Network. This is a wide-ranging group of stakeholders including representation from autism, dyslexia, Gypsy/Travellers, service children, mental health and allied health professionals. This group will provide expert advice and challenge to the Project Board on the delivery of its work. The Network's terms of reference include a specific requirement to engage children and young people in their work. Direct participation includes, but is not limited to, the Young Ambassadors for Inclusion. The network's reach will ensure a breadth of views and voices are involved in the ongoing development and delivery of Additional Support for Learning policy.

We have also maintained increased funding for the Let's Talk ASN service to provide advocacy and legal representation to parents, carers and young people over the age of 16, to access their rights in relation to additional support for learning. We also maintained increased funding for the advocacy and legal representation services offered by My Rights, My Say for children aged 12 to 15. These services continue to support families and children and young people to understand their rights and get the support they need in their education.

"My Rights, My Say/ Partners in Advocacy supported me over the last 2 years when I wasn't able to go to school. They were my voice and helped me move forward with getting my education in a way that was right for me"

Quote from a child supported by My Rights, My Say

In 2022-23, we are also funding projects and research which are providing further opportunities for engagement and participation by children and young people. This included funding for research into the educational experiences of Gypsy/Traveller children and young people, to help improve their engagement and participation in their education. We also provided funding for the continuation of the ADES National Education Officer role. They work closely with children and parents from Armed Force's families and will be undertaking work to understand this group's barriers to learning, working closely with Napier University.

As part of our commitment to the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), we considered the impact of incorporation on the Additional Support for Learning Act (2004), as well as on related policy, practice and guidance.



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