
Additional Support for Learning review action plan: second progress report

Progress report from the Scottish Government and COSLA providing an update on work undertaken since November 2021 and summarising the actions to be taken to deliver the recommendations from the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Children and Young People's Engagement, Participation and Rights

Much of our work in this area is ongoing, including the increase in annual funding to key partner organisations to ensure that children and young people are continually involved in the design and development of Scottish Government policy.

Over the next 18 month reporting period we plan to involve children and young people fully in the independent review of qualifications and assessment, being carried out by Professor Emeritus Louise Hayward, as well as the National Discussion on Education Reform.

In addition to their core work, in 2022-23, Enquire will continue to work with the My Rights My Say service delivery partners to ensure children are fully supported to exercise their rights under the 2004 Act and referred to other parts of the service as appropriate. As part of their awareness raising campaign, Enquire will also deliver social media awareness raising campaigns, develop a transition resource in partnership with the other parts of My Rights, My Say and create a number of short videos for children and young people to use on social media

"Thank you for everything you've done for her and the unwavering support you've given her when others let her down. Without your support we wouldn't have managed to get to this point, both in regards to her school placement, as well as the confidence and resilience she has shown to come through the other side of a very difficult time. What you guys do is so invaluable, you are a light in the dark for children"

Quote from the parent of a child and their experience of My Rights, My Say

We will also be undertaking primary research into the educational experiences of children and young people with complex additional support needs and they will be directly participating in this.

Building on the work of its predecessor, the Additional Support for Learning Implementation Group, the Project Board, with support from Additional Support for Learning Network, the will oversee delivery of a communication plan to ensure that stakeholders, including children and young people, are proactively informed of how to access additional support for learning and have the opportunity to continue to be involved in work to deliver the remaining actions within the plan.

COSLA's Children and Young People Board will continue to seek to include the views of children and young people in the new local government term. This, in addition to participation and engagement work undertaken at a local level by individual Councils, ensures that the views of children and young people help inform Board Members' decisions.



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