
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.


This updated ASL Action Plan has been published in conjunction with the third Progress Report.

The Progress Report is a detailed account of progress made towards delivery of the actions set out in this Action Plan between November 2022 and June 2024 and therefore provides a retrospective update for that particular period. It should be read alongside this updated Action Plan.

There are two main changes to this updated ASL Action Plan from the previous version:

First, the structure of Action Plan has been altered to align more closely to the Morgan Review. The updated Action Plan follows the same structure as Morgan - setting out the actions following the themes and numbering of the Morgan Review.

Second, the Education, Children and Young People (ECYP) Committee’s final report from their Inquiry on ASL was published on 15 May 2024, and a formal response was provided by Scottish Ministers on 10 July 2024. As outlined in the response of 10 July, some of the actions arising from the Committee’s report are for Scottish Government to take forward, but a significant number require to be taken forward by partners. Of those recommendations which require to be progressed by Scottish Government, the Cabinet Secretary committed to strengthening the ASL Action Plan in relation to two specific aspects of communications. No specific amendments have been made to the text set out below. Instead, as part of already planned communications activity over the next reporting period, officials will work with the ASL Project Board to consider how to strengthen communications around placing requests and around information for parent and carers in relation to provision available for children in both mainstream and specialist settings, with a view to providing greater clarity. Updates will be provided to the ECYP Committee and progress will be reported on in the next Progress Report.

This updated Action Plan acts primarily as a reference document, with a view to aiding transparency and providing an overall summary of end-to-end delivery to the date of publication.

Actions List – Count Log

Total Number of Actions: 76

Actions Completed: 40

Actions still pending: 36

% of Actions Completed: 52.63%



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