
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - November 2022 update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2021, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Leadership & improvement

These actions support delivery of the ASL Review themes of 'vision and visibility', 'maintaining focus and overcoming fragmentation', 'resources' and 'relationships and behaviour'.


Status/ Delivery Timeframe

Progress Update

Link to ASL Review Recommendation

LI 1

The Scottish Government will work with local government and other key partners to refresh the Supporting Learners' Code of Practice, to ensure that it fully supports schools and local authorities to fulfil their duties under the Additional Support for Learning Act 2004. This will help improve the support available for children and young people, who have barriers to their learning, to reach their fullest potential.

By end 2024

The third edition of the Supporting Children's Learning: Statutory Guidance on the Education (Additional Support for Learning) Scotland Act 2004, the Code of Practice, was published in December 2017.

The Scottish Government has re-established the Code of Practice working group, which met in July 2022, to discuss the next steps. We are working with partners to update the guidance and ensure it fully supports schools and local authorities to fulfil their duties under the 2004 Act. We aim to improve accessibility for different audiences and ensure language consistency and alignment with key policies and practices. The update will take account of the refresh of the GIRFEC Policy and Practice Guidance as well as ensure cognisance and alignment with other key pieces of work such as The Promise Implementation Plan, the incorporation of UNCRC and the development of the National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy.

All local authorities implement Additional Support for Learning through their GIRFEC practice frameworks ensuring that there is a holistic and staged approach to assessment, planning and intervention. ADES promotes this through its support to members and its Collaborative Improvement Programme.



LI 2

The Scottish Government will work with partners, including GTCS, Education Scotland and in Health and Social Care to build on existing, and develop new, opportunities to promote inclusive educational leadership at a national and local level.


The Scottish Government is working with partners on the National Strategic Commissioning Group to develop a pilot to enhance the Headship and Into Headship leadership programmes with content on supporting children and young people with complex additional support needs and placements in special schools. The pilot is due to run in the 2023-24 academic year.

Education Scotland have integrated the 4 themed approach (see figure 1) into their corporate planning. The interconnection between: rights and participation, relationships, wellbeing and care, inclusion and universal supports provide a helpful and practical approach to planning and self-evaluation processes to support the implementation of national priorities.

Awareness raising activity for this is planned in "The Rights, Reviews & Promises Programme". This will include internal work at Education Scotland, ADES, local authorities, third sector groups and the virtual schools and head teachers networks. Resources on are now available on the national Improvement Hub for senior and middle leaders and local authority staff.


LI 3

ADES will consult with its members on the inclusion of additional support needs within its leadership programme.


This has been incorporated into the ADES Collaborative Improvement Programme, with inclusion being a common theme across local authority involvement.


LI 4

The Scottish Government will, through continued work towards implementation of the Doran Review recommendations, consider opportunities to share the expertise of all professionals who support children and young people with complex additional support needs in specialist settings throughout the wider education system.


In addition to the development of a pilot to enhance additional support for learning content in current leadership programmes and research on complex provision, the Scottish Government has engaged the Grant Aided Special Schools (GASS) and national centres in the public consultation on draft guidance on physical intervention in schools. The Scottish Government will also engage GASS to develop positive case studies of prevention and de-escalation to support implementation of the guidance.


LI 5

ADES and COSLA will consider how authorities can improve the experiences of children and young people with additional support needs through local commissioning, which has progressed since the Doran Review.


Local commissioning has developed considerably since the Doran Review, with Strategic Equity Fund and Pupil Equity Fund and greater alliance with the Third Sector being a key feature of local commissioning.

COSLA and ADES will consider any further actions required, alongside local authority Directors of Finance and Scotland Excel.


LI 6

SAGRABIS will review their Terms of Reference to take account of the findings of the ASL Review.


The Scottish Advisory Group on Relationships and Behaviour in Schools (SAGRABIS) have reviewed their terms of reference. The remit of the group has been updated to include the provision of advice in the context of relationships and behaviour to national and local government and other relevant stakeholders on matters including the development and delivery of measures to improve the educational experiences of children and young people with additional support needs.


LI 7

SAGRABIS and the ASL Project Board will consider how to strengthen the links between the two groups.


In addition to the updated terms of reference, a member of the Supporting Learners' Policy Team in the Scottish Government and a COSLA officer are represented on both SAGRABIS and the ASL Project Board.

Further, Education Scotland are key partners in SAGRABIS and the ASL Project Board and make appropriate links between the work of both groups. Education Scotland, in the context of SAGRABIS, are leading on the development of new professional learning resources to support relational approaches to meeting children and young people's social, emotional and behavioural support needs and are supporting schools and local authorities to focus on relationship-based approaches to support.

Education Scotland are piloting new professional learning resources in some schools. Introductory professional learning resources can be accessed through the Pupil Support Staff Professional Learning framework.


LI 8

The ASL Project Board will consider any relevant findings from the Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research and agree appropriate actions.

Autumn 2024

The Behaviour in Scottish Schools Research has recently been commissioned. Fieldwork will be undertaken in early 2023, initial findings are due in Autumn 2023 and the final report is due in Spring 2024. At the conclusion of this research, the ASL Project Board will work with SAGRABIS to consider the evidence from the report and agree any actions to be taken forward.


LI 9

The ASL Project Board will develop a national measurement framework to capture the range of successes and achievements of children and young people with additional support needs.

Spring 2023

Since November 2021, the National Measurement sub group has been working to develop a draft framework. The draft National Measurement Framework has been informed by the Young Ambassadors' vision statement for success. A set of aims, aligned to UNCRC and structured around the four principles of Inclusion (present, participating, achieving, supported) have been agreed by the sub-group and members identified a comprehensive set of desired changes, which were reviewed and accepted by ASLIG. The sub group have considered specific sources of evidence required and actions to ensure that there is a mechanism to recognise and celebrate the successes and achievements of children and young people.

Further refinements to the framework will now be undertaken to ensure that it aligns with, and recognises other tools and activity underway, to measure outcomes for children and young people. This will include engagement with local authorities and consideration of options to test this new approach within a sample of authorities. This will include alignment with work at CYP 5 and LI 15.



LI 10

ADES will consider opportunities to gather robust evidence of the effective relationships between parents and professionals and will work with the Project Board to consider how this can be presented within the measurement framework.


ADES remain committed to supporting the development of National Measurement Framework through work to consider opportunities to gather robust evidence of the effective relationships between parents and professionals. ADES will work with the National Measurement Framework sub group to agree how this information can be best presented within the new framework.



LI 11

Following development of the national measurement framework, the ASL Project Board will consider with partners how to present the information collected in an accessible and meaningful way to ensure that impact can be measured.

March 2024

Drawing on the national measurement framework, the Project Board will work with children and young people and their families to co-create an annual report to highlight the range of successes and achievements of children and young people. In addition, the ASL Project Board will engage with children, young people, parents and carers to consider further opportunities to present accessible and meaningful information on achievement in a creative and engaging way.



LI 12

ADES will work with members of the Project Board on the use of improvement methodology and promote its use at local authority level.


ADES, during the Covid pandemic, tested ongoing use of improvement methodology to address engagement and attendance within education. This was supported by the Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative.

ADES will consider how to further develop this work through the Project Board.




LI 13

The National Improvement Framework (NIF) recognises the development of the national measurement framework for additional support for learning, and its progress will be monitored as part of the NIF.


The National Improvement Framework continues to provide the strategic framework for the improvement of education services in Scotland. The National Improvement Framework includes an action on the development of the National Measurement Framework and the delivery of the ASL action plan.


LI 14

The Scottish Government will consider additional measures to include at the next review of the National Performance Framework.

June 2023

The supporting learner's team has engaged with the National Performance Framework team and will continue to work together to consider additional measures to be included as part of the next review. These additional measures will be informed by the ongoing development of the National Measurement Framework as in LI 9 above.


LI 15

The Scottish Government and COSLA will ensure that the national discussion on education fully considers the needs of children and young people with additional support needs.


The national discussion - Let's Talk Scottish Education to develop a vision for the future of education in Scotland launched on 21 September 2022. Extensive engagement is planned with children and young people with additional support needs.

The national discussion is co-convened by COSLA and Scottish Government and is open to everyone and will help shape the future of Scottish education. The discussion seeks to find out; what works well, what we have learned about our systems and what comes next to help all children and young people thrive.

The National Discussion team is committed to ensuring the voices of those who haven't been heard loudly in the past are the main focus of its work. The Young Ambassadors for Inclusion will be involved in this and Scottish Government officials will continue to engage as this work develops to ensure that the views of children and young people with additional support needs, their families and those who support them are reflected within the national discussion work.

The ASL Project Board will consider the outcomes of the national discussion for ASL implementation.



LI 16

The Scottish Government will ensure that the review of qualifications and assessment fully considers the needs of children and young people with additional support needs.


The Independent review of qualifications and assessment is being carried out by Professor Emeritus Louise Hayward. The aim is to ensure that all senior phase learners have an enhanced and equal opportunity to demonstrate the breadth, depth and relevance of their learning.

Professor Hayward is committed to ensuring that children and young people with additional support needs, their families and those who support them are involved in the Review. Professor Hayward will engage with a range of stakeholders to support the review. This will include the Young Ambassadors for Inclusion and Grant-aided special schools. Scottish Government officials will continue to engage closely as this work develops and ensure that the ASL Project Board are fully informed and involved in this work.


LI 17

COSLA, ADES and the Scottish Government will continue to support a collaborative planning and decision making approach at all levels, between local authorities and health and social care, through a child right's approach to health and wellbeing outcomes, linked to the Health and Social Care Standards.


The ASL Project Board will review its membership to ensure appropriate membership from health and social work.

As we work to update the content of the Code of Practice the Scottish Government will ensure clarity of guidance on collaborative planning and decision making including cognisance and alignment with other key pieces of work such as the Promise, incorporation of UNCRC, GIRFEC and transitions.

COSLA and ADES, alongside other local authority partners, will consider progress made in this area and agree next steps.


LI 18

The Scottish Government will develop new GIRFEC policy and practice guidance with stakeholders including children, young people and parents.


As part of the next phase of the GIRFEC refresh work the Scottish Government will consider integrated planning process for children. In alignment with the ASL framework we will seek to ensure that this new practice guidance highlights the roles of local authorities and schools and their work in partnership with other services to deliver integrated and joined up support for children and young people.


LI 19

ADES, SOLACE and COSLA will liaise on the approach to be taken at local authority level to ensure that council planning incorporates and makes visible the implications of additional support for learning, building on related wok already underway.


The ADES Executive and the ASL Network collaborated with other national organisations to promote an integrated and holistic approach to support the visibility of children and young people with additional support needs in local authority planning.

Ongoing Integrated planning now features in several local authority plans in relation to Equalities Mainstreaming Reports; Fairness/Poverty Action reports; Transitions to adult life; Protecting People/Children; Our Promise; Whole Family Wellbeing.


LI 20

The Scottish Government will highlight and communicate the benefits of mediation approaches.


There is a range of information available on the use of mediation to resolve concerns between parents and carers and schools and local authorities. This includes guidance within the Statutory Supporting Learners' Code of Practice and detailed guidance and resources from the Enquire service.

As part of its work, the Supporting Learners' Code of Practice Working Group will consider opportunities to highlight and promote the use of a mediation approach. The group will also work collaboratively with partners, including Enquire to ensure that information and support on mediation and its benefits is available for parents and carers.

This will include consideration of any further training opportunities on mediation approaches.


LI 21

Local authorities will support mediation approaches and promote their use as a means of improvement.


Local Authorities continue to review their Service Level Agreements with mediation providers to ensure that the service is achieving best value and having an impact within the range of mediation, which includes early resolution of concerns at school level, involvement of local officers when further mediation is required, through to formal mediation as set out in the Additional Support for Learning Act.


LI 22

The Scottish Government will establish a short life working group which includes all relevant partners to review implementation of Coordinated Support Plans.


A short life working group to review the use of Co-ordinated Support Plans (CSPs) was established in December 2020.

The group identified key issues and barriers which are impacting on implementation of CSPs and worked collaboratively to recommend ways to address and overcome them.

A report from the short life working group was published in November 2021.


LI 23

The Scottish Government will work with partners to deliver the recommendations from the Coordinated Support Plan Short-Life Working Group

By end 2024

The review of the use of co-ordinated support plans (CSP) undertaken by the short-life working group sets out clearly the actions that should be taken to minimise the barriers to implementation of CSPs.

The actions identified by the working group will be taken forward alongside broader work set out within this action plan to enhance implementation of additional support for learning. In addition to work to refresh the Supporting Learners' Code of Practice, further work will be undertaken to develop and provide access to a suite of national relationship based professional learning approaches and resources applicable to education and multiagency partners.

This work will align to work being undertaken elsewhere, including development of a national measurement framework.


LI 24

The Scottish Government will revise GIRFEC policy and practice guidance, including a single planning process for children and young people. It will seek to align and clarify the relationship between statutory and non-statutory

plans and to align those plans.


Alongside work to revise GIRFEC policy and practice guidance and the Supporting Learners' Code of Practice and accompanying resources, we will consider opportunities to strengthen guidance around a single planning process with aim of early intervention, reducing bureaucracy and duplication.


LI 25

Through reporting of Children's Services, Regional Improvement Collaboratives and Annual Education Plans, ADES will support its members to incorporate the findings, such as outcome measures, into improvement planning at local authority level.


This action has been underway for some time with Local Authorities and Regional Improvement Collaboratives including outcomes for additional support needs within their plans, either directly or in relation to Equalities and UNCRC.


LI 26

Education Scotland's Regional Improvement Teams will ensure that all their Regional staff are aware of, and understand, the recommendations in the report. They will, in partnership with Education Authorities, schools and others identify and share good practice, and help to support new ways of working where appropriate.


This action has been underway since summer 2021. Awareness raising sessions and discussions with all Regional teams have taken place. Several 'Connect with Colleagues' sessions were well attended by ES colleagues. The publication of the 'Rights, Reviews, Promises and Inclusion for All evaluation tool' in July 2022 is supporting conversations with local authority staff and school leaders to focus on the implementation of the review's recommendations.


LI 27

The Scottish Government and Local Government will engage with Audit Scotland on a national performance audit on outcomes for children and young people with additional support needs.


The Accounts Commission published a blog on additional support for learning in May 2022. This highlighted the Commission's concerns about the support for children and young people who need additional support for learning not always being available as it should, and about the inequalities in outcomes for these children and young people. Audit Scotland is continuing to focus on additional support for learning and will take account of the review's recommendations in the scope of any audit work the Auditor General or Accounts Commission decide to undertake.

At the conclusion of any Audit Scotland work in this area, COSLA and the Scottish Government will consider any outcomes and recommendations which are made.


LI 28

The Scottish Government and COSLA will review the governance arrangements for the review of ASL implementation.


The Additional Support for Learning Project board was established during 2022 and is jointly chaired by the Scottish Government and COSLA. The role of the Project Board is to support the monitoring of implementation and oversee delivery of additional support for learning and inclusion policy, including through delivery of the Additional Support for Learning (ASL) Action Plan and its associated workstreams.

Information about the work of the Project Board is available on the Scottish Government's website. This includes the June 2022 meeting minutes.


LI 29

The Project Board will monitor delivery of the action plan and publish a progress report every 18 months.


The project board has met twice during this year and has considered progress against milestones. We anticipate that an updated action plan will be published in Spring 2024.


LI 30

The Project Board will develop outcomes measures against each of these actions, setting out how progress will be measured.

March 2024

This action will be considered on an ongoing basis and will be informed by the work to develop the National Measurement Framework (NMF) by the NMF sub-group.

Consideration will be given to sources of evidence to inform progress, including feedback from parents at key stages to ensure that the actions are having the desired impact.


LI 31

The Scottish Government will enhance the information that is available on the Scottish Government web pages to ensure that it accurately reflects the cross-cutting nature of this policy.


The Scottish Government website has been updated with enhanced information on additional support for learning. This includes improved signposting for children, young people, parents, carers and professionals to services which provide advice, information, support, representation and professional learning and resources on additional support for learning.




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