
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Theme 1: Vision and Visibility

Completed Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action
1.1 Vision Statement 1.1.1 A national overarching Vision Statement for success for children and young people who have additional support needs must be developed by the end of 2020 with the full involvement of children and young people. Complete
1.2 Measurement 1.2.6 A plan must be developed and implemented to test how the National Performance Framework can be expanded to include achievement measures which go beyond the current narrow parameters of attainment and qualifications (based on the National Performance Framework values). Complete

Ongoing Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action Progress Update
1.1 Vision Statement 1.1.2 This vision statement must be developed alongside a positive public communication plan which highlights the range of conditions and issues identified in the additional support for learning legislation and will be one of the ways in which the profile of additional support for learning is raised to ensure equity for all children and young people. Ongoing Key partners on the ASL Project Board continue to work with the Ambassadors for Inclusion to explore options and to consider how best to roll out and implement their resources more widely to schools. Work continues to promote the work of the Ambassadors for Inclusion, including the vision statement, to inform our broader work and communications plan for ASL.
1.1.3 The achievements and successes of children and young people with additional support needs must be celebrated publicly, in equivalence to attainment and exam results. Ongoing The Ambassadors for Inclusion created an approach to highlight achievement and success. This approach has been incorporated into several professional learning programmes, which includes a General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) professional recognition programme for dyslexia and inclusive practice, and the Into Headship Programme and Regional Professional Learning opportunities. Embedding this approach continues to support parity and our inclusive approach to learning.
1.1.4 The language used to describe children and young people with additional support needs and the services which support them must be changed. It should move away from describing children and young people as their condition and not be solely focussed on deficits. Ongoing ASL Project Board members actively promote ASL and our legislative approach, which is broad and inclusive. ASL Project Board members continue to engage with partners and policy colleagues, to increase their understanding of the prevalence of additional support needs and the importance of considering children and young people with additional support needs in their policy development.
1.2 Measurement 1.2.1 A national measurement framework for additional support for learning must be developed to ensure that there is no reduction in aspiration and ambition for all children and young people to achieve to the maximum of their learning potential, a national measurement framework for additional support for learning must be developed. The National Improvement Framework must be revised to ensure parity for additional support for learning. Ongoing Establishing a National Measurement Framework is a complex initiative and work has been underway by a sub-group of the ASL Project Board, to produce a National Measurement Framework that is aligned to wider work of the National Improvement Framework. The sub-group has established a draft business case for consideration at a national level by the SG. This business case proposes a draft ‘dashboard’ as the first iteration of this work. Additional work is being undertaken to consider how the first iteration of this ‘dashboard’ will take account of the data that is currently availabile and the potential limitations of the work. Further options for the next phase of this work are also being explored and will be considered by the ASL Project Board. This includes working with Education Scotland to explore Pupil Profiling to ensure celebration of all achievements of young people.
1.2.2 This framework must be rooted in improvement methodology and assist in reinforcing a culture of improvement rather than compliance. The main objective of measurement and recording will be to support local improvement rather than comparisons between authorities. Ongoing See action 1.2.1 progress update
1.2.3 The test measures must recognise that qualifications are not relevant learning objectives for all children and young people and those children and young people are not failures because of that. The Milestones to Support Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs, introduced in 2018, along with the Curriculum review are positive reference points and should be taken into account. Ongoing See action 1.2.1 progress update
1.2.4 The measures must value and ensure visibility of the diverse range of achievements, including in vocational learning, that are possible for all children and young people with additional support needs and reflect what they and their families feel are important for their (future) quality of life. Ongoing See action 1.2.1 progress update
1.2.5 The investment in Pupil Support Assistants must be measured for impact and improvement on children and young people experiences and achievement. Local authority and school managers must plan a strategy to review the deployment of Pupil Support Assistants which takes account of recommendations from current national research Education Endowment Fund (2018). Ongoing The Scottish Government and Education Scotland continue to work with the national Pupil Support Staff Working Group (PSSWG). The PSSWG set up an Exploration Sub-Group to progress the Bute House Agreement commitment to explore options for accredited qualifications and registration for Pupil Support Staff. The outputs of this work are in the process of being considered by Ministers.



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