
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Theme 6: Relationships between Schools and Parents

Completed Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action
6.1 Relationships between schools and parents 6.1.2 This must include clear pathways on transitions for children and young people with additional support needs, in the context of learning for life, allowing parents and carers, children and young people and professionals to be informed and supported at key transition points. Complete

Ongoing Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action Progress Update
6.1 Relationships between schools and parents 6.1.1 Schools and local authorities must work in partnership with parents and carers to develop and deliver ways of working together that support and promote positive relationships, communication and cooperation. Ongoing See action 3.2.2 progress update Education Scotland continues to work on Collaborative Improvements (CI) with ADES and local authorities. All 32 local authorities are engaged and 7 include a focus on Additional Support for Learning. Several of these reports have a focus on ASL. ES is engaging with ADES on the next stage of CI and how this will be linked to the ADES self-evaluation approach being developed. Education Scotland’s new Senior Regional Advisors will continue to work with all local authorities. The new local authority groups have been developed to encourage collaboration between similar local authorities. The ADES ASN network offers a regular opportunity to share practice at their meetings. The responsibility of parent councils and their partnership work with schools is highlighted through this network. The network is currently consider how we share information through a core resource which showcases good practice and highlights how improvement could be made through engagement with parent councils. SG, ADES and COSLA intend to share a joint letter with Local Authorities promoting the availability of resources and information for parents, carers, children and young people. This will include ensuring that websites and handbooks are updated to ensure ease of access and highlighting the availability of information through Enquire. A sub-group of the ASL Project Board is considering how we can provide consistent information across Local Authority websites, with the support of Enquire. The national operating guidance for the delivery of funded ELC was updated in December 2023 and it includes provisions on requirements in respect of ASL. The Enquire service provide clear information to parents and carers on how to navigate the system of ASL support available. Work for this action is being done at local and national level. Enquire will continue to work with partners to make sure that parents and carers are signposted to their wealth of information about additional support for learning, and that they can also signpost on to other relevant sources of information.
6.1.3 Parents and carers must be involved, as equal partners, in the development of key guidance, to contribute their knowledge and lived experience. Ongoing See action 3.2.1 progress update
6.1.4 Further investment is needed to strengthen support services for families, allowing these services and the support that they provide to be embedded. Ongoing Enquire will continue to work closely with their partners in the Scottish Government to make sure that their service is sustainable and effectively resourced and that they can maximise the impact of their work. The Scottish Government has increased annual funding to services that provide support advice and representation to parents, carers, children and young people on Additional Support for Learning needs by £219,000. This includes increased annual funding by £70,000 for Enquire, who provide advice to parents and carers on additional support for learning, helping families and schools work together to ensure children get the support they need. Funding has also increased by £59,000 per year for ASL advocacy and legal representation services for parents and young people over the age of 16, and by £90,000 per year for children between the ages of 12 - 15.
6.1.5 The benefits of the use of mediation must be widely promoted at a national, regional and local level and consideration should be given to how mediation can be developed through professional learning to support the workforce. Ongoing ADES have shared information on mediation approaches through Network meetings. Further consideration is being given to how the ADES ASN Network can further share the signification amount of information on mediation that is produced by Enquire, to support awareness, understanding and engagement. A sub-group of the ASL Project Board are currently exploring how the Parent Club platform could be utilised to share information from Enquire.



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