
Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - update

An updated Additional Support for Learning (ASL) action plan, setting out the progress made since November 2022, to deliver against the recommendations made by the review of implementation of additional support for learning.

Theme 8: Understanding Rights

No actions have been completed.

Ongoing Actions

ASL Review Recommendation Actions Status of Action Progress Update
8.1 Rights 8.1.1 The incorporation of UNCRC and its impact on ASL legislation and processes must be fully anticipated and planned for to ensure children’s rights are embedded and effectively underpin implementation of the ASL legislation. Ongoing The Scottish Government is undertaking work to establish any UNCRC related issues in the ASL system and will implement any changes where required. ADES continue to engage with members and partners about the UNCRC Act. ADES ASN Network meetings provide partners with opportunities to deepen their understanding of the UNCRC Act and the support available. ADES ASN network members have engaged with UNICEF on the Rights Respecting Schools programme and its potential impact on promoting children’s rights. Enquire, alongside their partners in the My Rights, My Say service, are considering the impact of UNCRC Act and will incorporate any changes necessary on ASL legislation around capacity assessments in particular, given the relevance to the work of the service. Enquire will seek to support all efforts to aid understanding of the impact of the UNCRC Act on ASL legislation and consider their role in disseminating clear and practical information and advice for their different audiences. They also continue to work internally to make sure they are taking a child rights-based approach to all our own work. Enquire will continue to engage with and actively support the development of the refreshed Code of Practice, building on their expertise in presenting information on ASL to different audiences, and their in-depth knowledge of the existing Code of Practice.
8.2 Coordinated Support Plan Review 8.2.1 The planned review of Coordinated Support Plans must take the findings of this review into account. Ongoing See action 6.1.1 progress update. The development of guidance to understand the purpose of CSPs and content is in development. This guidance will complement the refreshed IEP guidance and forms part of a suite of guidance and professional learning on the ASL planning process which will be available on the Education Scotland IWE Pl framework and Education Scotland website. Enquire will continue to share information about CSPs to help ensure rights and responsibilities around the plans are better understood. Education Scotland chair a sub-group of the ASL Project Board which focuses on information, guidance and professional learning to improve awareness, knowledge and skill pertaining to ASL. This will include ASL planning for staged level of intervention, IEPs and CSPs.
8.2.2 Also, it must consider: • planning mechanisms within a whole life perspective for children and young people with lifelong conditions including transitions between and beyond education settings; • clarifying the interaction between CSPs and child’s plan and GIRFEC; • the relationship between education and partners in health, social work and other agencies to identify where re-alignment is needed in the preparation and delivery of support; • where improvements are needed in the availability and accessibility of information and guidance about planning and its processes for all parents and carers and children and young people. Ongoing See action 8.2.1 progress update. Enquire plan to improve the information on their website that relates to GIRFEC to make sure it is in line with latest guidance, and will continue to revise it in response to any future changes. On 26 October 2023, the Scottish Government published the Getting It right for every child (GIRFEC): Child’s Plan Practice Statement which complements the guidance series published in September 2022 to help and support practitioners and managers embed and implement GIRFEC into their everyday practice. The statement reflects the relationship and alignment between statutory and non-statutory plans and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of practitioners involved with the development and monitoring of a non-statutory GIRFEC child’s plan, including the implementation of Article 12 of the UNCRC to ensure that children and young people take part in and influence decisions on issues which affect them.



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