Addressing Loss and Damage conference - practical action: summary report

In October 2022, Scotland hosted a conference which brought together international representatives and practitioners to articulate best practice and explore innovative new opportunities to mobilise finance for, and address Loss and Damage ahead of COP27.


AO Advisory Opinion

AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States

CCCF County Climate Change Funds

CADECOM Catholic Development Commission in Malawi

CARD Churches Action in Relief and Development

CJRF Climate Justice Resilience Fund

COP Conference of Parties

CSO Civil society organisations

DRR Disaster risk reduction

G77 Group of 77 countries at the UN climate negotiations

GCF Green Climate Fund

GRP Global Resilience Partnership

HLCs UN Climate Change High-Level Champions

ICCCAD International Centre for Climate Change and Development

IMF International Monetary Fund

LDCs Least Developed Countries

MDB Multilateral development bank

MEL Monitoring, evaluation and learning

NDC National Determined Contribution

NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

NGO Non-governmental organisation

ODA Official Development Assistance

PCVA Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis

PDNA Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

SCIAF Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

SDRs Special Drawing Rights

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

USD United States Dollar



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