
Addressing race inequality in Scotland: the way forward

A report from the Scottish Government's independent adviser on race equality in Scotland.


1. I understand that Pamela Smith, Chair of Scottish Local Authority Economic Development group has done good work on guidance for procurement & purchasing with Falkirk Council.

2. EHRC 'Is Scotland Fairer'

3. Report by Women's Budget Group and Race Equality Think Tank Runneymede Trust

4. Joseph Rowntree Foundation

5. Housing Management: The Scottish Housing Regulator report 'Use of Equality and Diversity Information by Scottish Social Landlords- A thematic inquiry – June 2016 ' finds that of 14,700 RSL staff only 290 self- identified as BME which equates to 1.9% of the total staff: although this could be offset by the 11.56% of staff whose ethnicity is not known. Many organisations with the same or higher non-declaration rate -including the Scottish Government itself with an 18% non -declaration rate (the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2017) - - have publicly stated commitments to closing the staff employment gap between the white majority and minority ethnic staff within a prescribed period.
Construction: Most up to date data on the ethnic breakdown of people working in the construction industry is for the UK as a whole. In the Gleingen/ CITB 2016 UK Industry Performance Report the mean percentage of people from BME background in the construction industry over the past 4 years has remained static at between 3 and 4 % compared to 14% BME in the UK population.
According to Scottish Funding Council the number of BME individuals on construction courses is 0.7%.

6. see SHELS Research paper on effective interventions in Canada and London

7. Remit for working group on increasing Minority Ethnic teachers in Scotland
(a) Commission action research with minority ethnic teachers in Scotland about their experiences of accessing and working in the profession, to gather qualitative evidence about specific barriers or other issues facing minority ethnic teachers to inform future recruitment
(b) Assess the impact and lessons learnt from previous initiatives such as Gathered Together project,
(c) Review the effectiveness of processes such as Conditional Registration in enabling access to the profession by teachers from abroad in particular refugees,
(d) Ensure the systems for collecting and monitoring data tracking the recruitment, retention and career progression of minority ethnic applicants/teachers in Scotland is fit for purpose, and
(e) Produce as an integral part of the Education Delivery Plan, an action plan to increase the number of underrepresented groups in particular from minority ethnic communities into teaching learning from positive action schemes like PATH.


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