
Adoption Policy Review Group: phase one report

Report on phase one of a two-phase review to look at adoption law and practice, commissioned in April 2001.


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Executive Summary
Summary Recommendations
Chapter 1: The Place of Adoption Services Within the Spectrum of Services considered for the Children and Young People 'Looked After' by Authorities
Chapter 2: The Recruitment Selection and Assessment of Prospective Adopters
Chapter 3: The provision of Post Adoption Support for Families
Chapter 4: The Case for Scotland Joining the UK National Adoption Register
Annex 1: The Adoption System in Scotland
Annex 2: Membership of the Adoption Policy Review Group
Annex 3: Sub-Group Membership considering the Issues in Chapters 1-4
Annex 4: Additional Consultation with other Key Stakeholders
Annex 5: Who Cares? Scotland survey [APRG paper]
Annex 6: SWSI report on Assessment [APRG paper]
Annex 7: Information about 'looked after' Children and Adoption
Annex 8: Framework for Developing Permanence
Annex 9: Report on Consortia arrangements in Scotland [APRG paper]
Annex 10: Work of the sub-group on the provision of post adoption support services for families
Annex 11: Glossary

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