
Adult Disability Payment: Independent Review Minutes - June 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 19 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Edel Harris OBE, Chair, Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment
  • Steven McAvoy, ENABLE Scotland
  • Craig Smith, SAMH
  • Ellie Wagstaff, Marie Curie
  • Lucy Mulvagh, The ALLIANCE
  • Brian Robertson, Independent Member
  • Keith Park, MS Society Scotland
  • Erica Young, Citizens Advice Scotland
  • John Wallace, Independent Member
  • Emily Mann, Independent Member
  • Mhairi Campbell, Independent Member
  • David George, Head of Secretariat, Independent Review of ADP
  • Keith Rae, Secretariat, Independent Review of ADP
  • Paul Feeney, Secretariat, Independent Review of ADP
  • Hannah Macleod, Secretariat, Independent Review of ADP

Items and actions


Everyone introduced themselves, as there were some people who did not attend the previous meeting.

The group said they were happy with the note of the last meeting.

Some of the group said there may have been issues with getting information for this meeting.

Action: Secretariat to investigate possible issues with sending out information.

The Chair asked group members to share what they felt should be the three main priorities for the review.

Action: Group members to share their three main priorities for the review.


The Chair encouraged the group to use the Teams channel to share information and ask each other questions.

Stakeholder Engagement

The secretariat gave a presentation on meetings with the Chair and other people. The presentation looked at key themes from the earlier discussions and an overview of planned meetings.

The group talked about the themes that had appeared from the meetings, including people not knowing about the Independent Advocacy Service.

The secretariat asked the group if there were any other people the review should engage with that were not on the list. The group suggested several charities or services that would be helpful to speak to.

Action: Secretariat to talk with the charities and services suggested.

Call for Evidence and Consultation

The group discussed the Call for Evidence and Consultation that were due to open on 28 June 2024. The Chair said that both would take place during the school holidays, so the review would have to work hard to get as many responses as possible.

Some of the group noted that there were a few other consultations or investigations taking place at the same time. The Chair said that the consultation and call for evidence would not be the only way people could take part in the review.

The secretariat gave a presentation on the Call for Evidence/Consultation. The Chair asked group members to help promote them.

Daily living component activities and descriptors discussion

The group looked at two daily living component activities and descriptors and thought about:

  • are they easy to understand?
  • what changes, if any, would they propose?

Preparing food

The group talked about the preparing food activity and how it reflects a medical, rather than social model of disability.

Some of the group felt many of the activities (including this one) focus on physical disability rather than covering both physical and mental health. The group also felt things like motivation and mental fatigue were also important.

The Chair asked if anyone had tried to rewrite the questions to reflect the social model of disability. One member of the group said they thought there may be some information on this, and they would send it on.

Action: Group member to send on existing information about social model.

The group felt it could be clearer what the difference was between the descriptors scoring 2 and 4 points and what an aid or appliance means.

Taking nutrition

The group discussed how the place someone is living in (e.g. supported living facilities), can affect how they can answer both the taking nutrition and preparing food questions. For people without a place to cook and prepare a meal, this can be difficult to answer.

The group spoke about how it is difficult for people with an eating disorder to meet the preparing food and taking nutrition rules. Neither looks at how being able to feed yourself well will help your health.

Action: Secretariat to arrange for the Chair to speak to charities or services that support or work with people who have an eating disorder.

The group discussed how none of the questions ask whether the activities cause psychological distress. The group agreed that if the application form included this, it should not become another box to tick.

Action: Secretariat to arrange for the Chair to speak to charities or services that specialise in mental health.

Closing remarks

The group agreed to consider the remaining activities/descriptors at the next meeting.

The secretariat will email the group with the remaining activities/descriptors so they can consider these before the meeting.

Action: Secretariat to email the Advisory Group members the activities/descriptors in advance of the next meeting.

The Chair closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their time.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the advisory group will take place on 19 August 2024 over Microsoft Teams, 13:30 - 15:15.

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