
Adult Literacies in Scotland 2020: Strategic guidance

Adult Literacies in Scotland 2020: Strategic guidance


The Scottish Government's Literacy Action Plan1 has established Scotland's overarching vision for all learners - to raise standards of literacy for all from the early years through to adulthood.

Specifically for adults, the Scottish Government's vision is:

By 2020 Scotland's society and economy will be stronger because more of its adults are able to read, write and use numbers effectively in order to handle information, communicate with others, express ideas and opinions, make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners.

To achieve this vision we will focus on four overarching outcomes:

  • improved access to literacies 2 learning opportunities
  • high quality learning and teaching
  • improved infrastructure, and
  • evidence of impact.

This document aims to promote equal access to and participation in literacies learning for all adults 3. It is intended to promote equality of opportunity to those who face persistent disadvantage and to increase the numbers of people economically active across all groups within society.

Successful implementation of this strategic guidance will significantly increase the numbers of adults with improved literacies capabilities in Scotland.

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