
Adult secondary mental health services: consultation analysis

The new core mental health standards have been informed by the adult secondary mental health services public consultation analysis. The consultation results have been independently analysed to produce a full report and executive summary.

Appendix D: analysis

Following the moderation process undertaken by the Scottish Government, EKOS exported consultation responses from Citizen Space into Microsoft Excel for data cleaning, review, and analysis. Where submissions were submitted in another format, Scottish Government officials emailed these documents for EKOS to manually input into Microsoft Excel.

The consultation document was structured to allow respondents to answer questions independently in recognition that respondents might want to respond to one or some of the proposals without wishing to express views on the others.

The standard process is that equal weighting should be given to all responses. This includes the spectrum of views, from large organisations with a national or UK remit or membership, to individual viewpoints.

This analysis report includes quotes from respondents who gave permission for their response to be made public. This does not indicate that these comments will be acted upon or given greater weight than others.

The following points should be noted, including that:

  • no duplicate or campaign responses were identified - there are some consultation responses from individual respondents and health improvement organisations that use the same or similar wording in open-ended questions. In part this likely reflects membership and professional bodies (and others) pushing the public consultation out to their members and/or wider networks
  • respondents to any public consultation or engagement event are self-selecting, and the responses may not be representative of the population as a whole



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