
Adult support and protection - code of practice and guidance: consultation analysis - summary report

This report summarises the feedback received during our consultation on proposed updates to the code of practice and Adult Protection Committees (APC) guidance.


From 06 July to 28 September 2021, the Scottish Government issued a consultation concerning the proposed updating of the Adult Support and Protection Code of Practice and the corresponding Guidance for Adult Protection Committees. This guidance is to aid practitioners and professionals in implementing the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 .

The aim of the consultation was to ensure guidance takes account of policy and practice developments, and thus bring the guidance up to date with current legislation and relevant changes in policy. In order to ensure the revised guidance meets the needs of its users, we consulted with targeted stakeholder groups including public bodies named in the Act to invite review and comment. Users of this guidance are professionals and practitioners who require to implement the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 within the context of their work.

The ASP policy team undertook a number of engagement events throughout August and September 2021, which included presentations at stakeholder meetings and bespoke discussion sessions as requested. Stakeholders included Social Work Scotland; ASP Committee Conveners and Leads; NHS ASP Leads Network; Police Scotland; Integrated Joint Boards Chief Officers Group and the ASP National Strategic Forum (whose membership covers a wide range of bodies, including COSLA; Care Inspectorate; Healthcare Improvement Scotland; Office of the Public Guardian; Scottish Care; NHS Chief Executives and the Mental Welfare Commission) . Feedback from these events, as well as the formal consultation responses, has been added to a comprehensive database and continues to be a vital resource informing policy and guidance developments.



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