Adult support and protection - code of practice and guidance: consultation analysis - summary report

This report summarises the feedback received during our consultation on proposed updates to the code of practice and Adult Protection Committees (APC) guidance.

Guidance for Adult Protection Committees response summary

42 responses were received for this section of the consultation. Note that the APC guidance is expected to be used in conjunction with the full Code of Practice (and so APC practitioners will read both), but not everyone using the Code of Practice has need of the APC guidance.

Q1: The revised guidance has been reordered to better follow the structure of the Act, and thus be more efficient to use. How well do you think these objectives are fulfilled?

40 respondents indicated that the structure was much improved and was easier to navigate. It was felt the information flowed in the order an individual may be likely to use it and thus made for a smoother experience. (A little - 0; Not at all - 1; Not answered – 15)

Q2: The revised guidance strengthens the expectations regarding the duties to cooperate and refer, and regarding information sharing , offering greater clarity and guidance. How well do you think these objectives are fulfilled?

39 of the 42 gave positive responses here. Greater detail and clarity of expectation was welcomed. (A little -1 ; Not at all - 1; Not answered – 15)

Q3: The revised guidance has a new section covering the role of Adult Protection Committees (APCs) in giving information or advice and in making proposals to named public bodies. Again this seeks to offer greater clarity of expectations. How well do you think these objectives are fulfilled?

This was received favourably with 37 indicating the addition of this section is very helpful. (A little - 2; Not at all - 1; Not answered – 15)

Q4: The revised guidance has more to say about audit activity, biennial reports, case reviews and Large Scale Investigations. This is intended to offer more information around these issues. How well do you think these objectives are fulfilled?

39 responses indicated that the expanded information and addition of more detail around LSIs is a positive step. A number of suggestions were offered regarding use of report data, and where case reviews and LSIs currently sit in local practice. (A little - 1; Not at all - 1; Not answered – 15)

Q5: The revised guidance has a new section on governance, covering the relationship between APCs and Chief Officer Groups and other overarching forums. Included in this are matters relating to the appointment of conveners. This seeks to clarify the structures and interactions of each. How well do you think these objectives are fulfilled?

This section was well received with 40 positive responses. The addition of this section was felt to offer clarity and greater understanding of the expected interface between various bodies. (A little - 0; Not at all - 1; Not answered – 15)

Q6: If you would like to provide any comments or suggestions about the changes please do so.

Of the 42 respondents who answered this question, we received some very detailed suggestions for inclusion, and the key issues raised included:

  • Transitions – processes / crossovers / legalities / support
  • Processes – local variance / national frameworks / oversight and scope
  • Reporting and Audit – learning / submissions / storage / legal requirements
  • Learning – case reviews / sharing learning
  • Language and terminology – inclusive language / clarity around terminology
  • Role and Scope – Boundaries and clarity / signposting / good practice / practice improvements
  • Composition and attendance – membership / diversity / lived experience / autonomy

Where respondents had agreed, written consultation responses to both the Code of Practice and the APC guidance are made available on the CitizenSpace website.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation and made time to provide a response.

The Scottish Government is now considering all the responses, and the updated guidance will be published on our website in due course.



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