
Adult support and protection: guidance for GPs and primary care teams

Revised adult support and protection guidance to help GPs and practitioners be confident that their actions will meet safeguarding expectations and improve outcomes.

Glossary of Terms

Human Trafficking - Human trafficking involves the recruitment or movement of people, by the use of threat, force, fraud, or the abuse of vulnerability, for exploitation.

FGM – Female genital mutilation is a procedure where the female genitals are deliberately cut, injured or changed, but there's no medical reason for this to be done.

ICO – Information Commissioner's Office

ECHR – European Convention on Human Rights

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation 2018

DPA – Data Protection Act 2018

BMA – British Medical Association

GMC – General Medical Council

MDDUS - Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland

Caldicott Guardian - A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people's health and care information and making sure it is used properly.



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