
Adult support and protection: guidance for GPs and primary care teams

Revised adult support and protection guidance to help GPs and practitioners be confident that their actions will meet safeguarding expectations and improve outcomes.

Need to make a referral? – Prompt action is vital.

The Act Against Harm website is a public site with details of who to contact when someone, or someone you know, is at risk of harm. The website has lots of information, including how to recognise when an adult may be at risk of harm and examples of the type of support that can be provided once a concern has been reported:

Click here to access your local referral contacts.

If you are working out of office hours, your local process and contacts will advise you of the relevant contacts.

If the matter is urgent e.g. there is imminent risk of danger or significant harm has happened please contact the relevant Emergency Service – Police/Fire/Ambulance.



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