
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

8. Improvement Plan – Prevention

There are two improvement areas within the prevention strand – responding to requests and developing practice resources.

8.1 Public Awareness

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to responding to ASP public awareness.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Develop and commission survey to evaluate levels of public awareness about adults at risk of harm. Start to develop a public facing campaign in partnership with stakeholders. Baseline measure of public awareness about ASP. Level of public awareness of ASP is better understood. Survey provides baseline level of public awareness. Evidence = public survey report.
2020-2021 Develop, commission and deliver a public awareness campaign about ASP. Public awareness campaign about ASP. Public awareness campaign for ASP delivered. Range of data and evidence from public awareness campaign delivery is available and evaluated. Evidence = materials, outputs, channels used, estimated reach, campaign evaluation report.
2021-2022 Develop and commission survey to evaluate levels of public awareness about adults at risk of harm. Post campaign measure of public awareness about ASP. The public are better informed about who is at risk of harm and what to do about it. Survey commissioned and provides post-campaign level of public awareness. Evidence = public survey report.

8.2 Priority Areas

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to responding to ASP priority areas for prevention.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Identify, agree and develop priority areas for prevention alongside stakeholders to identify where a national approach is needed. ASP prevention activity priority report. Priority areas for ASP prevention activity are identified and supported. The identification and agreement of prevention activities, including a process of identifying priorities and explicit prioritisation criteria.

Key stakeholder feedback on proposed priorities for prevention.
Evidence = ASP prevention activity priorities report.

Evidence = stakeholder survey on priorities for prevention activity.
2020-2021 Develop priority areas for prevention alongside stakeholders and provide support to prevention work. Obtain feedback on proposed priorities for prevention. A range of prevention approaches and outputs for ASP priority areas. Priority areas for ASP prevention activity are identified and supported. Proposal/s detailing what prevention activities have been prioritised and taken forward.

Key stakeholder feedback on proposed priorities for prevention.
Evidence = ASP prevention activity priorities report.

Evidence = stakeholder survey on priorities for prevention activity.
2021-2022 Develop priority areas for prevention alongside stakeholders and provide support to prevention work. Undertake an evaluation of prevention activities and develop mechanism for wider sector feedback through stakeholders. An evaluation of prevention approaches and outputs for ASP priority areas. Prevention activities improve ASP awareness in priority areas. Feedback from stakeholders enables consistent feedback on the impact of work on prevention priorities in improving ASP awareness

Sector networks and/or intermediaries support local service providers (third & independent sector) to undertake surveys of staff ASP awareness.
Evidence = stakeholder feedback evaluation report.

Evidence = service provider feedback report.



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