
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

Executive Summary

It has been twelve years since the commencement of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. Since then, a significant amount of multi-agency improvement work has taken place at national, regional and local levels across Scotland. Over the intervening years, the legislation has become embedded in policy and practice both nationally and locally.

In July 2018, the Care Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland published a joint, thematic inspection of adult support and protection (ASP) in six local partnership areas. The Scottish Government reviewed the findings and recommendations of the inspection. The findings indicated good progress since the commencement of the Act and positive outcomes for most adults at risk of harm in the local partnerships inspected. The Scottish Government noted the finding that three of the local partnerships were assessed as adequate or weak in some areas. This raised concerns about the overall consistency and assurance of ASP across Scotland. This finding, alongside all of the improvement work already underway, provided the impetus for the development of the current ASP Improvement Plan.

The ASP Improvement Plan was subsequently developed by the Scottish Government between November 2018 and April 2019. Six areas for improvement were identified and developed into an outcomes based improvement plan. A consultation with key stakeholders was undertaken in December 2018 and this provided support for and feedback on the identified improvement areas.

The six areas for improvement in the plan are:

1. Assurance

2. Governance

3. Data and Information

4. Legislation, Policy and Guidance

5. Practice Improvement

6. Prevention

The ASP Improvement Plan described in this document includes a range of activities, outputs, measures and outcomes which the Scottish Government will deliver on between 2019 and 2022. This includes Phase 1 of a multi-agency inspection programme for ASP. The improvement plan is intended to complement and support local improvement activities and will be reviewed by the Scottish Government in 2021-2022.



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