
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

3. Improvement Plan – Assurance

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to the assurance of ASP.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Support the development and delivery of a multi-agency, proportionate, phased ASP Inspection Programme. Establish a Reference Group of stakeholders to advise and support the Inspection Programme. Multi-agency ASP Inspection Programme Phase 1 is developed and delivered.

Inspection reports are published (from early 2020).
Inspection of ASP activity provides assurance that we are supporting and protecting adults at risk of harm and identifies where improvements need to be made locally. Model of inspection developed and refined based on testing demonstrates how assurance will be gained.

Inspection reports from local areas are available and provide evidence of assurance and improvements required.
Evidence = Reference Group papers, inspection programme schedule and reporting framework.

Evidence = published local inspection reports.
2020-2021 Support the delivery of a multi-agency, proportionate, phased ASP Inspection Programme. Support the Reference Group of stakeholders to advise and support the Inspection Programme. Support the development of assurance and improvement methodology for Phase 2. Multi-agency ASP Inspection Programme Phase 1 is delivered.

Inspection reports are published.
Inspection of ASP activity provides assurance that we are supporting and protecting adults at risk of harm and identifies where improvements need to be made locally. Inspection reports from local areas are available and provide evidence of assurance and improvements required. Evidence = published local inspection reports.
2021-2022 Support the delivery of a multi-agency, proportionate, phased ASP Inspection Programme. Support the Reference Group of stakeholders to advise and support the Inspection Programme. Support the development of assurance and improvement methodology for Phase 2. Multi-agency ASP Inspection Programme Phase 1 is delivered.

Inspection reports are published.

National learning report is published.
Inspection of ASP activity provides assurance that we are supporting and protecting adults at risk of harm and identifies where improvements need to be made locally. Inspection reports from local areas and a national learning report are available and provide evidence of assurance and improvements required.

National learning report includes recommendations for assurance and improvement in Phase 2.
Evidence = published local inspection reports.

Evidence = published national learning report.



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