
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

4. Improvement Plan – Governance

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to the governance of ASP.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Work with the Scottish Government Child Protection Leadership Group to explore and develop training opportunities in relation to public protection. Support the development of statutory clinical and care governance guidance (ensuring inclusion of ASP within Public Protection). Establish and support the ASP National Strategic Forum. Statutory Guidance for Clinical & Care Governance.

Four meetings of the ASP National Strategic Forum.
Revised guidance on clinical and care governance incorporates ASP governance processes. Scottish Government revised governance guidance includes statutory ASP governance requirements.

Training materials for Chief Officers include adult support and protection.
Evidence = Scottish Government Guidance for Integrated Clinical & Care Governance.

Evidence = induction pack, working group outputs, minutes of Child Protection Leadership Group.
2020-2021 Deliver support to Chief Officers in relation to ASP duties through their induction and training programme. Support and develop the governance role of the ASP National Strategic Forum. Induction and Learning opportunities for Chief Officers.

Four meetings of the ASP National Strategic Forum.
Chief officers are more confident exercising their governance role in relation to ASP. Baseline and post-training levels of Chief Officer awareness and confidence in the governance of ASP indicate improvement.

Chief Officer feedback/evaluation following induction and training on public protection roles is available.
Evidence = training evaluation analysis and Chief Officer survey analysis (on wider governance).

Evidence = induction training evaluation analysis.
2021-2022 Deliver support to Chief Officers in relation to ASP duties through their induction and training programme. Induction and Learning opportunities for Chief Officers.

Four meetings of the ASP National Strategic Forum.
Leadership and governance for ASP is effectively delivered within clinical and care governance arrangements. Chief Officer awareness and confidence in the governance of ASP improves.

Chief Officer feedback/evaluation following induction and training on public protection roles is available.
Evidence = Chief Officer survey evaluation analysis.

Evidence = induction training evaluation analysis.



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