
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

5. Improvement Plan – Data and Information

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to ASP data and information.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Work with data analysts, local stakeholders and national agencies to develop outcomes dataset for ASP. Define the project and identify the resources required. Design and deliver a feasibility study which reviews current data collection and reporting and identifies options for a national outcomes data set. Project Initiation Document and feasibility study. Existing ASP outcomes data sources and collection methods are understood. Improved understanding of existing local data collection / current position.

Draft set of feasible outcomes and methods for data collection is available.

Stakeholder feedback on engagement in the process of developing outcomes data collection is available.
Evidence = SG review of Biennial Reports and data collection feasibility study.

Evidence = outcomes data working group outputs, data collection feasibility study.

Evidence = survey of data outcomes working group members.
2020-2021 Work with data analysts, local stakeholders and national agencies to develop a draft outcomes dataset for ASP which can be tested/piloted. Draft outcomes dataset is produced for adult protection and tested/piloted. ASP outcomes dataset and data collection model tested and refined. Local authority feedback following their testing of the draft outcomes dataset and data collection is available.

Results and recommendations from testing of the outcomes dataset is available, and these inform the final model.

Stakeholder feedback on engagement process and outcomes of the project is available.
Evidence = local interim data reports, survey of local authority ASP data leads.

Evidence = report of data outcomes project, local interim data reports.

Evidence = survey of data outcomes working group members.
2021-2022 Work with data analysts, local stakeholders and national agencies to roll out and support outcomes dataset for ASP. ASP data outcomes model rolled out and supported. ASP outcomes data model adopted by local areas. Outcomes dataset launched and guidance in place.

Biennial reports include evidence on performance regarding outcomes data collection.

Stakeholder feedback on outcomes data collection evidences that outcomes data model has been adopted.
Evidence = data guidance document, launch communication plan.

Evidence = Biennial Reports.

Evidence = survey of local authority ASP data leads.



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