
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

6. Improvement Plan – Legislation, Policy and Guidance

There are two improvement areas within the legislation, policy and guidance strand – guidance and legislative review.

6.1 Guidance

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to ASP guidance.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Develop and publish Interim SCR Guidance and the quality assurance process with the Care Inspectorate. Develop and publish GP and Primary Care Guidance. Interim SCR Guidance (including Care Inspection quality assurance process), GP and Primary Care Guidance. New national guidance adopted by local areas. SG policy team engagement with stakeholders provides sufficient assurance to confirm receipt & adoption of Interim SCR Guidance.

SG policy team engagement with stakeholders provides sufficient assurance to confirm receipt and adoption of GP and Primary Care Guidance.
Evidence = attendance at launch event.

Evidence = feedback from working group, survey across GPs and primary care stakeholders.
2020-2021 Develop and publish Biennial Report Guidance integrating outcomes data reporting. Biennial Report Guidance. New national guidance adopted by local areas. SG policy team engagement with stakeholders provides sufficient assurance to confirm receipt and adoption of Biennial Report guidance.

SCRs will provide evidence of whether multiple new guidance has been used.
Evidence = survey across ASP leads and conveners.

Evidence = SCRs, SCR report analysis by Care Inspectorate.
2021-2022 Analyse, review and publish reports on SCRs. Analyse Biennial Reports in partnership with relevant bodies. SCR analysis and reporting, Biennial Report analysis. Improved consistency in reporting: 1) ASP Significant Case Reviews and 2) Biennial Reports. Analysis and review of SCRs and Biennial Reports will provide evidence that consistency has improved. Evidence = SCR Report, Biennial Report analysis.

6.2 Legislative Review

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to ASP legislative review.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Proactive role: initial review of ASP legislation and policy to identify any changes required. Reactive role: involvement in any related legislation/policy review or development activities to ensure 'fit' with ASP. Establish parameters of legislative review with Ministers, develop review process, engage in consultation, evaluate options and make recommendations. ASP compliance with United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities is understood and improvements identified. Scoping and review of ASP compliance with United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities identifies improvements.

Mental health legislative review identifies ASP improvements.
Evidence = Ministerial report, working group outputs.

Evidence = independent mental health legislative review outputs.
2020-2021 Proactive role: contribution to mental health legislative review process. Reactive role: involvement in any related legislation/policy review or development activities to ensure 'fit' with ASP. Contribute to legislative review process, engage in consultation, evaluate options and make recommendations. Decision about revision of ASP Code of Practice. Develop legislation and guidance as appropriate. Required changes to ASP legislation and policy are identified. ASP report on required changes to policy and legislation is available as part of the independent mental health legislative review.

Decision about review of ASP Code of Practice based on any identified changes is available.
Evidence = ASP report, independent mental health legislative review outputs.

Evidence = working group outputs, report on review of Code of Practice.
2021-2022 Proactive role: contribution to mental health legislative review process and delivery of changes. Reactive role: involvement in any related legislation/policy review or development activities to ensure 'fit' with ASP. Develop legislation and guidance as identified through legislative review process. Required changes to ASP legislation and policy are made. Identified ASP policy and legislation changes are available and being progressed. Evidence = revised Code of Practice, independent mental health legislative review outputs.



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