
Adult support and protection improvement plan 2019-2022

Plan to complement and strengthen local adult support and protection improvement activity, provide assurance and identify future areas for improvement so that adults at risk of harm in Scotland are supported and protected.

7. Improvement Plan – Practice Improvement

There are two improvement areas within the practice improvement strand – responding to requests and developing practice resources.

7.1 Responding to Requests

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to responding to ASP practice improvement requests.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Develop a mechanism for capturing and prioritising requests for practice improvement. Monitor and respond to changing practice support needs. Embed support for practice improvement within the improvement plan. Ad hoc requests for practice improvement prioritised and met consistently. Annual national learning event delivered. New requests for ASP practice improvement are managed in a consistent way. System in place for managing and reporting on improvement requests.

Quarterly performance reports on the number, type, response and evaluation of practice improvement requests.
Evidence = data report from National Coordinator.

Evidence = data report from National Coordinator.
2020-2021 Develop a systematic reporting process for prioritised practice improvement measures. Monitor and respond to changing practice support needs. Ad hoc requests for practice improvement prioritised and met consistently. Annual national learning event delivered. New requests for ASP practice improvement are met and improvement measures are developed. Formalised reporting on improvement requests which are agreed with stakeholders as priorities.

Systematic reporting on delivered improvement measures.
Evidence = data report from National Coordinator.

Evidence = data report from National Coordinator.
2021-2022 Develop a feedback template for stakeholders which enables consistent feedback on the impact of practice improvement measures. Monitor and respond to changing practice support needs. Ad hoc requests for practice improvement prioritised and met consistently. Annual national learning event delivered. New requests for ASP practice improvement are met and improvements are demonstrated. Feedback on the impact of practice improvement measures from stakeholders.

Wider reporting on the local impact of practice improvement measures.
Evidence = report on feedback from National Coordinator.

Evidence = ASP National Strategic Forum reports, national learning event evaluation reports.

7.2 Developing Practice Resources

The following table outlines the Scottish Government outcomes, activities and measures in the improvement plan linked to developing ASP practice resources.

Activities Outputs Outcome Indicators Measurement
2019-2020 Review and refresh national resources, evaluate improvements, identify online repository options. Identify research into practice network options and develop a network development plan. National resources reviewed based on current use. Options for future online repository identified and acted upon. Research into practice network development plan. National ASP practice resources are up to date and future hosting options are established. Review / audit of ASP practice resources and their current status is undertaken and made available.

Future resource hosting options identified and a new online repository delivered.

Research into practice network options and development plan available.
Evidence = review document and outputs inform content of new website.

Evidence = new website.

Evidence = network development plan.
2020-2021 New online practice resource maintained and its usage monitored and analysed. Evaluate and respond to online practice resource needs.

Establish and develop the research into practice network.
Website analytics report leads to website development. Research into practice network established. National ASP practice resources are up to date and accessible. Website analytics capacity in place and resource usage data available and reported.

Key stakeholder survey undertaken to explore accessibility of resources.

Research into practice network meeting identified objectives.
Evidence = website analytics report

Evidence = survey of ASP stakeholders.

Evidence = research into practice network papers and outputs.
2021-2022 New online practice resource maintained and its usage monitored and analysed. Evaluate and respond to online practice resource needs.

Support and develop the research into practice network.
Website analytics report leads to website development. Research into practice network supported. Local areas use national ASP practice resources and evidence to support practice improvement. Website analytics data enables analysis of resource usage and reporting.

Key stakeholder survey undertaken to explore usability and impact of all practice improvement resources.
Evidence = website analytics report.

Evidence = stakeholder survey report, research into practice network report.



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