
Adult support and protection: learning review guidance

Guidance for Adult Protection Committees to use when considering or undertaking learning reviews. Reviews/reflective learning exercises with the same purposes - meeting the criteria for a learning review - should use this guidance, including protocol for submission to the Care Inspectorate.

Ministerial foreword

I welcome the publication of this strengthened Adult Support and Protection Learning Review Guidance and thank all those involved in its development. The guidance has been updated to align with the national guidance for child protection committees undertaking learning reviews, and the previous process and terminology of “Significant Case Reviews” has been replaced with “Learning Reviews” accordingly.

It is critical that we continue to strengthen our approach to Adult Support and Protection and this guidance helps us do that. The guidance will ensure that knowledge and learning is shared across the adult protection system to enable practice improvements locally and nationally. Consistency of approach, and the embedding of a learning culture, further encourages Adult Protection Committees to evaluate and learn from critical incidents. In sharing best practice, I would encourage Adult Protection Committees to use the findings arising from their reviews, and those of other committees, to enhance their ongoing work.

I hope this guidance also helps reassure individuals and families who have been directly affected by a critical incident that their experiences will not be repeated. I am confident Learning Reviews will have a positive role in shaping the way in which agencies work together to provide joined up safeguarding, and appropriate support and care to those who need it. – the right care at the right time is what we all strive to deliver.

Finally, I would like to reiterate my thanks to the Adult Protection Committees and all those working in Adult Support and Protection for the work you continue to do to protect adults at risk of harm



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