
Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: guidance for General Practice

Revised guidance to reflect developments in policy, practice and legislation both in the overall context of adult support and protection and in day-to-day activity. It provides information and detail to support practical application of the 2007 Act for GPs and staff in General Practice.

Support during ASP activity

In General Practice you may require support around these issues (and indeed in all aspects of Adult Support and Protection), e.g., making a referral; information sharing; attending a Case Conference; any other ASP-related activity. If appropriate, seek guidance (from the person making the request / local practice policy / local HSCP Primary Care team etc.) and discuss the situation and intended actions confidentially.

If applicable, you may also wish to seek assistance from your local Caldicott Guardian. A Caldicott Guardian is a senior role for an organisation which processes health and social care personal data. They make sure that the personal information about those who use the organisation's services is used legally, ethically and appropriately, and that confidentiality is maintained.

They will advise regarding sharing information under The Caldicott Principles . Further information can be found in the UK Caldicott Guardian Council website.

Working with patients who are at risk of harm, and making decisions to protect them, can be stressful and have an emotional impact on the practitioner. Within your practice, it may be beneficial to establish an adult protection lead or champion who can advise as issues arise, and also assist with team debriefs as necessary.

​Your Health Board will be able to signpost you to a range of wellbeing resources, alongside services such as occupational health if needed.



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