
Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007: guidance for General Practice

Revised guidance to reflect developments in policy, practice and legislation both in the overall context of adult support and protection and in day-to-day activity. It provides information and detail to support practical application of the 2007 Act for GPs and staff in General Practice.

Duty of Candour

The statutory duty of candour is very specific and only applies where there has been an unexpected or unintended consequence that causes harm or death to an individual (as defined by the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 ) that is not as a consequence of the condition for which they are being treated. It is also set out by the GMC at The Professional Duty of Candour. The Scottish Government website also provides Duty of Candour FAQs.

Duty of Candour may be relevant when an adult at risk has been harmed.



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