
Adults with Incapacity - delayed discharge: good practice guidance September 2023

Over the past 12 months Scottish Government have met with a wide range of health and social care partnerships from across the country to discuss Adults with Incapacity (AWI) delayed discharge rates. We have compiled examples of AWI delayed discharge good practice in this publication.

7. Conclusion and next steps

Over the coming months, we will be monitoring the numbers of delayed discharges linked to AWI and will contact those areas where numbers are increasing, to offer support in meeting targets set by Scottish Ministers.

In addition should any HSCP wish to learn more about practice that has improved performance in another area, we can arrange this. Contact us by email at

Finally, as part of the work responding to the Independent review of Mental Health and Incapacity Law in Scotland, we are actively working on proposals for reform of AWI legislation and views from all HSCPs will be sought on possible reform in due course.

Mental Health and Incapacity Law Unit

Mental Health Directorate, Scottish Government



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