Adults with incapacity: code of practice for those authorised to access funds
Guidance for individuals and organisations authorised to withdraw funds from the account of an adult and apply them for the adult's benefit.
Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland)
Hadrian HouseCallendar Business Park
Callendar Road
Falkirk FK1 1XR
Enquiry line: 01324 678300
For information and advice about matters covered by the Act. The OPG's focus is primarily on financial matters. If they cannot assist directly with queries on other matters relating to adults with incapacity ( e.g. welfare, health, care) they will point you to other agencies who will be able to help. The OPG does not provide legal advice. All OPG publications, including forms and guidance notes can be downloaded. Hard copies are available on request.
Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
K FloorArgyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street
Edinburgh EH3 9SH
0131 222 6111
Helpline: 0800 389 6809
The Commission provides advice on welfare matters in relation to AWI and free good practice guides - see website for further information.
Scottish Government
Civil and International Justice Directorate
Law Reform
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
Tel: 0131 244 3581
Adults with Incapacity Act Codes of Practice and other publications are listed on, and can be downloaded from, the website. Information about obtaining hard copies of these documents is available on the website or by calling 0131-244 3581.
Local Authority
To contact your local authority on matters relating to welfare/personal care issues and the Act you should ask for the social work department or community services department at the local council offices in the area where the adult lives. The address is in the phone book.
Sheriff Courts
The address and telephone number of the local sheriff court where the adult lives will be in the telephone directory. You can also find details of the local sheriff court by accessing the Scottish Courts website,
Department for Work and Pensions
There is a free Benefit Enquiry Line for People with Disabilities on 0800 88 2200 (textphone users 0800 24 33 55). From the local authority you can also get details of the local welfare rights office that will give you advice and help with benefits. You will find useful information and guidance for disabled people and carers on the Department for Work and Pensions website -
Care Commission
11 Riverside Drive
Dundee DD1 4NY
01382 207100
The Care Commission is an independent body which regulates care services in Scotland. It inspects and investigates complaints in relation to care homes; short break/respite care services; housing support; adult placement schemes; support services; care at home; nursing agencies; and hospice care. There are national care standards for all these services.
Law Society of Scotland
26 Drumsheugh GardensEdinburgh
0131 226 7411
Client Relations Helpline: 0845 113 0018
The Law Society is the governing body for solicitors. It provides information to the public on where to find and what to expect from solicitors. The Law Society's Client Relations Office has a legal responsibility to handle complaints against Scottish solicitors. To discuss a complaint, or if you need more information, contact the Client Relations Helpline.
Scottish Legal Aid Board
44 Drumsheugh GardensEdinburgh EH3 7SW
0131 226 7061
Legal Aid Helpline: 0845 122 8686
Provides advice and information on entitlement to legal aid for applications in relation to the Adults with Incapacity Act; and a list of solicitors registered for legal aid work.
Citizens Advice Bureau - you will find the address of your nearest CAB in your phone book or at
Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
Melrose House69a George Street
0131 260 5380
This website will provide a link to the Independent Advocacy Service Directory for Scotland.
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia
22 Drumsheugh GardensEdinburgh EH3 7RN
Office: 0131 243 1453
Freephone 24hr Dementia Helpline 0808 808 3000
Provides a free guide for carers and people with dementia in Scotland: 'Dementia: Money and Legal Matters'. The website also provides information about the different kinds of powers of attorney and how to set them up. You can call the Dementia Helpline to arrange for a copy to be sent to you.
6th Floor7 Buchanan Street
Glasgow G1 3HL
0141 226 4541
Supports people with learning disabilities of all ages by campaigning, providing information, legal advice, training and other services.
Capability Scotland - Advice Service
11 Ellersley RoadEdinburgh EH12 6HY
0131 313 5510
Provides advice and information and local services for people with a range of disabilities, their families and carers.
Scottish Association for Mental Health
Cumbrae House15 Carlton Court
Glasgow G5 9JP
Tel: 0141 568 7000
Provides information, legal advice and support to people with mental health issues.
SENSE Scotland
43 Middlesex StreetKinning Park
G41 1EE
0141 429 0294
Works with children and adults who have communication support needs because of deafblindness, sensory impairment, learning and physical disabilities.
Head Office
15/16 Springfield Road
University of Dundee
Dundee DD1 4JE
01382 385 154
PAMIS works with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, their family carers and professionals who support them.
Headway Scotland
Tel. 0131 537 9481
Headway provides: support and help to people affected by brain injury through a network of local groups and branches; information and advice; carer support; and a range of services (which vary from area to area).
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland ( CHSS)
65 North Castle StreetEdinburgh
0845 077 6000
Adviceline: 0845 0776000
CHSS aims to improve the quality of life for people affected by chest, heart and stoke illness through medical research, advice and information and support in the community.
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