
Adults with incapacity: code of practice for those authorised to access funds

Guidance for individuals and organisations authorised to withdraw funds from the account of an adult and apply them for the adult's benefit.


The chart below provides an overview of the authority the legislation allows with regard to the more basic transactions which can be applied for. Basic transactions are fully described in the appropriate application forms. You will only be allowed to carry out the transactions as specifically requested by you and identified in your certificate of authority, ie arrange regular transfer and, if appropriate, one off lump sum, from current account to designated account. Standing orders/direct debits can be set up on the current and/or designated accounts to pay for goods and services on behalf of the adult and funds in the designated account may be used to pay for goods and services as requested in the application to access funds.


To note: The scheme also allows for funds to be transferred from any account in the adult's sole name to any of the accounts above and to any other account - see paragraph 2.27-8.

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