
Adults with incapacity: code of practice for local authorities

Guidance for local authority staff with duties and powers under the Adults with Incapacity Act 2000.

Annex 3 Checklist of topics for reports

The adult and people involved with him or her

1. The name, address, date of birth and other identifying details of the adult.

2. The name, address and other contact details of all those involved in the adult's day to day care.

3. For each person involved in the adult's care, what part the person plays. For non-professional persons, an assessment of any problems they face in providing care, e.g. transport, resources, caring skills, insight into the adult's condition.

4. The name and address of anyone with powers over the adult's property and financial affairs, and the nature of the powers. Or a statement that the adult is managing his or her own affairs.

The adult's capacity

5. A description of the adult's capacity in relation to financial, property or personal welfare decisions, highlighting the areas in which the adult lacks capacity, in the opinion of the author and others, as pointers for intervention or action. A copy of any medical certificate or report of incapacity should be attached. The cause of the adult's incapacity should be identified and a prognosis given as to whether it is a condition that will stay the same, deteriorate or improve.

6. Any communication difficulties affecting the adult and the steps which have been taken to achieve communication, including any key people who assisted with this.

Social work services history

7. Any previous interaction between the adult and social work services, for example through child welfare or protection; through mental health or through offender services.

8. The name and address of any social work officer providing community care services for the adult, including the author of the report; and any home help or other service provider involved in the adult's community care.

9. A record of any additional information or insight provided by any such service provider about the adult's welfare.

Others with an interest in the adult

10. The name and address of any relatives or friends with an interest in the adult's welfare, whether or not the adult has contact with them ( e.g. parent or child).

11. The name and address of any relatives or friends with whom the adult maintains contact. The nature of the contact and how it assists the adult's welfare.

The adult's resources

12. If this can be ascertained, the extent of the adult's resources and where they are held, bearing in mind that there is no compulsion on the adult or anyone else to disclose this.

13. An assessment of whether the adult's funds are being used for his or her benefit.

14. Identification of any difficulties in accessing the adult's funds which are impacting on the adult's welfare.

15. Any possible issues of exploitation regarding the adult's property or finances.

16. Any anticipated increase in the complexity of the adult's affairs, suggesting a need for management arrangements in future.

Learning difficulties affecting the adult

17. A description of any learning difficulties affecting the adult and any training or employment options that might promote the adult's personal welfare, drawing on evidence from the adult's previous record or special educational needs or future needs assessment, if relatively recent.

Rehabilitation possibilities for the adult

18. To cover any rehabilitation of the adult which is being undertaken, for example occupational therapy, speech therapy, mobility development, retraining, with a view to improving the adult's welfare and capacity to take charge of his or her own affairs.

The adult's ability and motivation towards personal care

19. Issues such as whether the adult can keep him or herself clean and tidy; whether the adult can dress independently; difficulties in toileting, etc.;

20. Issues arising regarding the adult's nutrition and diet.

The adult's living conditions

21. A description of the adult's living conditions and an assessment of how satisfactory they are for present and likely future requirements.

22. The names of all those who live with the adult at the address and their relationship to the adult.

23. An indication of whether the adult owns his or her own home, or has occupancy rights in the matrimonial home, and any property issues that would arise should the adult have to move.

24. A description of any contacts made in regard to the adult's homelessness or need for renewal or change of tenancy, should that be an issue.

25. Any recommendation for the adult to move into residential care, with reasons.

The adult's medical condition and prognosis

26. The adult's medical condition, if that is an issue, and any prognosis with implications for future welfare needs, such as deteriorating physical or mental capacity; the need for particular treatment options to be considered, etc.

27. Any forthcoming or regular appointments which should be kept by the adult in relation to personal welfare matters such as visits to the hospital, dentist, chiropodist, etc.

The adult's personal circle and interests

28. The adult's social circle, recreational activities, cultural or religious affiliations etc, and any key people involved with the adult as a result of these activities or affiliations.

Issues around offending, addiction, challenging behaviour, etc.

29. A record of any issues facing the adult regarding challenging behaviour, addictions, offending behaviour, etc.

Professionals and organisations involved with the adult

30. The names, addresses and other contact details of any professional advisers with whom there are dealings over the adult's property, finances or personal welfare, such as occupational therapist, educator, psychologist, accountant or solicitor.

Key welfare decisions facing the adult in the future

31. A note of any key decisions not already covered, which may be required in the foreseeable future, including the financial implications of any such decisions.

Recommendations for intervention under the 2000 Act, if any

32. A note of the officer's recommendations, if any, for intervention by the local authority or others, with, in each case by an analysis of how the principles would support the recommendation.

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