
Health and social care integration: prioritisation guidance

Advice on prioritisation to support the statutory guidance for health and social care strategic commissioning plans.


1. The duty of Best Value applies to all public bodies in Scotland. It is a statutory duty in local government bodies (including Integration Joint Boards) and in the rest of the public sector it is a formal duty on Accountable Officers. It is a duty to make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in performance whilst maintaining an appropriate balance between quality and cost; and, in making those arrangements and securing that balance, to have regard to economy, efficiency, effectiveness, equal opportunities and to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. Guidance on the duty of Best Value is available from:

2. Rational disinvestment, Donaldson et al, June 2010

3. Audit Scotland

4. CIPFA, General Guidance on options appraisal

5. Options appraisal; are you getting it right? Audit Scotland, March 2014


7. Three techniques to support option appraisal and evaluation: Briefing paper, IPC, March 2011


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