Affordable Housing Supply Programme: Affordable housing investment benchmarks

Affordable housing investment benchmarks for local authority and registered social landlord grant applications.

The following affordable housing investment benchmarks came into effect in October 2024 and replace those contained within MHDGN 2023/01.

Baseline benchmarks – 3 person equivalent

Registered Social Landlord social rent


Amount per home

West Highland, Island authorities, and remote/rural Argyll


Other rural


City and urban


Council social rent


Amount per home

West Highland, Island authorities, and remote/rural Argyll


Other rural


City and urban


Registered Social Landlord mid-market rent


Amount per home

West Highland, Island authorities, and remote/rural Argyll


Other rural


City and urban


Council mid-market rent


Amount per home

West Highland, Island authorities, and remote/rural Argyll


Other rural


City and urban


Additional quality measure benchmarks – 3 person equivalent

Energy for space heating

The amount of £2,455 per home. This benchmark is for homes delivered to Section 7, Silver Level, of the 2019 Building Regulations in respect of Energy for Space Heating (that is, full Bronze Level plus Aspect 2 of Silver Level). (This benchmark will remain a feature of the current system for the time being.)

Energy performance, ventilation and assessment of overheating risk

The amount of £4,560 per home. This benchmark is for homes delivered to the updated provisions for energy performance, ventilation and assessment of overheating risk introduced through building regulations in February 2023. (This benchmark applies to projects where a building warrant was applied for from 1 February 2023.)

Provision of balconies within flatted developments

The amount of £4,910 per home. This benchmark is for the provision of balconies within flatted developments to enable people to sit outside, where the provision of private or communal outdoor space cannot otherwise be accommodated.

Provision of space for home working or study

The amount of £4,297 per home. While this benchmark is for the provision of space for home working or study, it does not apply to projects meeting current Housing for Varying Needs standards. This is because the provision of space for home working or study for homes comprising three or more people is already captured as a basic requirement within the Housing for Varying Needs design guide.

In all other circumstances, grant applicants should demonstrate that additional space is necessary to deliver this measure in order for this benchmark to apply i.e. it is not possible to incorporate this within the design of the homes under current space standards. (It is up to grant applicants to determine the most appropriate area for this provision within the home’s footprint.)


The amount of £369 per home. When a tenant gets the keys to their home they should be able to arrange for an internet connection to ‘go live’ without the internet service provider having to provide additional cabling to the premises. (From the outset these connections should utilise the best available technology and, where it is not possible for a gigabit capable technology to be provided immediately, the physical infrastructure should be installed to support retrospective deployment.)

Ducting infrastructure for electric vehicle charge point connectors

The amount of £614 per connector. This benchmark is for the installation of ducting infrastructure for electric vehicle charge point connectors.

Electric vehicle charge points

The amount of £614 per charge point. This benchmark is for the installation of electric vehicle charge points (excluding installation of ducting infrastructure). (This benchmark takes account of building standard 7.2 – Electric Vehicle Charging which took effect from 5 June 2023 and requires that provision for the charging of electric vehicles is made where car parking spaces are provided as part of a new housing development.)

Automatic fire suppression systems

The amount of £3,682 per home for the installation of automatic fire suppression systems.

Zero direct emissions heating systems

The amount of £4,910 per home. This benchmark is for the installation of zero direct emissions heating systems. (Information on suitable technologies can be found in the New Build Heat Standard Factsheet and Legislation.)



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