
Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP): process and procedures MHDGN 2023/01

This Guidance Note supersedes MHDGN 2022/02 and is for local authorities and registered social landlords. It details the process for planning the delivery of the majority of grant-funded homes through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

Annex H: Checklist

Information required

From whom



Grant settlement form – acquisitions

All grant recipients

Through the HARP system

Within 14 days of grant payment

Completed affordable housing investment benchmarks calculator for social rented projects and mid-market rented projects, and completed cost monitoring information for all projects containing automatic fire suppression systems and/ or zero direct emissions heating (regardless of tenure)

All grant recipients, where applicable


Through the HARP system

As part of the tender application process, where applicable


Housing tender return for all new build projects


All grant recipients, where applicable

Through the HARP system

As part of the tender application process, where applicable

Statement demonstrating commitment to Fair Work First

All grant recipients

Through the HARP system

As part of the tender application process

Confirmation that a short statement is on the grant applicant’s website highlighting its commitment to advancing Fair Work First

All grant recipients

Through the HARP system

As part of the tender application process

Information on the measures that the grant applicant will take to embed fair working practices in its organisation

All grant recipients

Through the HARP system

As part of the tender application process


Confirmation of (a) the date that the project is expected to start on site and (b) the date when project is expected to complete

All grant recipients

In writing

When accepting the grant offer

Confirmation of the provider that the grant recipient has chosen to work with on the procurement improvement programme

RSLs only

As part of the grant acceptance process


When accepting the grant offer

Confirmation of the actual date of works commencement on site

All grant recipients

In writing

Within seven days of works starting on site

Notification of any unforeseeable and unavoidable cost over-runs, together with an initial estimate of cost


All grant recipients

In writing

Immediately they become apparent, with due diligence then being expected to have been undertaken before any formal request is submitted for additional grant funding

Statement of compliance with the conditions of the grant


All grant recipients

Through submitting the appropriate schedule within the grant offer letter

Within three months of the end of each financial year within which grant has been paid

Notification of project completion

All grant recipients

In writing

As soon as all of the homes in a project have been certified as complete by the project architect/ supervising officer and approved by the local authority for occupation

Copy of the completion certificate


All grant recipients

Through the HARP system or via email

Immediately following the above notification of project completion

Confirmation that a Fair Work First survey has been completed

All grant recipients

Through submitting the appropriate schedule within the grant offer letter


As soon as all of the homes in a project have been certified as complete by the project architect/ supervising officer and approved by the local authority for occupation

Confirmation of the provider that the grant recipient has chosen to work with on the value for money in new build affordable housing programme

RSLs and local authorities delivering new build projects only

Through submitting the appropriate schedule within the grant offer letter


As soon as all of the homes in a project have been certified as complete by the project architect/ supervising officer and approved by the local authority for occupation

SmartSurvey completed


RSL subsidiaries and local authority arms-length external organisations

Through completing the online SmartSurvey

When mid-market rent tenants collect the keys or have access to a property, and for every new let or subsequent let of the property 

Confirmation that the grant recipient has participated in the procurement improvement programme

RSLs only

Through submitting the appropriate schedule within the grant offer letter

Within two years of the date of acceptance of the grant offer, and every two years after that

Confirmation that the grant recipient has participated in the value for money in new build affordable housing programme



RSLs and local authorities delivering new build projects only

Through submitting the appropriate schedule within the grant offer letter

Within 18 months of all of the units in the project having been certified as complete by the project architect/ supervising officer

Confirmation of any change of provider that the grant recipient has chosen to work with on the procurement improvement programme

RSLs only

In writing

Within 10 business days of the RSL formally deciding to change provider



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