
Affordable Housing Supply Programme: future-proofing internet and broadband access guidance

Guidance regarding the Affordable Housing Supply Programme's inclusion of ducting for future access to internet and broadband services.

In line with action 14 of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, this guidance note advises that, wherever possible, homes delivered under the Affordable Housing Supply Programme should include ducting to help future-proof access to internet and broadband services.

Grant applicants should consider fibre broadband as being the equivalent of a utility service and should be able to demonstrate that any housing proposal has considered and taken account of current and future digital services requirements or installation needs. In most circumstances, this is likely to be the provision for future broadband cable connection(s) by ensuring that adequate internal ducting exists for fibre or network cable and runs from a logical exterior connection point.

Grant applicants are advised that, if ducting within new homes can be shared with other services, the cost is likely to be marginal or neutral, as fibre optic cabling can be inserted into existing ducting as required. If additional ducting is needed however, the cost will vary according to the size of the dwelling and the configuration of wireless and fixed data points – an indicative cost of £200 per home would be a good estimate, which should be accommodated from within the existing grant subsidy framework.

More generally, when planning housing proposals consideration should also be given to:

  • the provision of (a) an accessible location and power supply for central digital devices such as a wireless hub or router and (b) additional, internal spurs in living and bedroom areas
  • the potential impact which construction methods, materials and/or design may have on the ability of wireless signals to penetrate within the home

You will find a copy of this guidance note on the Scottish Government website.

If you have any queries on the content of this guidance, please contact your grant provider in the first instance – that is your local Scottish Government More Homes Division Area Office or – in the case of Edinburgh and Glasgow – the City Councils.

MHDGN 2017 01 - Digital guidance note (3).pdf



Telephone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

Scottish Government,
Housing and Social Justice Directorate,
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