Affordable Housing Supply Programme: out-turn report - 2022 to 2023

Affordable Housing Supply Programme out-turn report for 2022 to 2023.


AHSP – Affordable Housing Supply Programme

Approvals – homes receiving approval at tender stage in that financial year.

Budget allocations – element of AHSP planned for expenditure in a financial year within a given local authority area.

Central programmes - includes funding for programmes such as LIFT, and HOSF.

Completions - homes which have reached practical completion stage of the on-site development process.

GRO – Grant for Rent and Owner Occupation (now known as Partnership Support for Regeneration (PSR). Grants to private developers to kick start the market in areas where there is little or no home ownership currently.

HA – Housing Association.

HIF – Housing Infrastructure Fund

HARP – Housing and Regeneration Programmes, Scottish Government computerised system to administer, manage and report on the AHSP and regeneration programmes.

HfVN – Housing for Varying Needs. When receiving funding support from the grant provider, the Housing for Varying Needs Design Guide (Part 1: houses and flats and part 2: houses with integral support) contains the criteria and principles to be adhered to.

HOSF – Home Owners’ Support Fund

LA – Local Authority

LAR – Local Affordable Rent Housing Trust

LCHO – Low Cost Home Ownership. Includes all LIFT products.

LHS – Local Housing Strategies

LIFT – Low-cost Initiative for First-Time Buyers

Local Programmes - form the main part of the AHSP and relates to council and registered social landlord development activity.  

MMR – Mid Market Rent

MTR – Mortgage to Rent

NB – New Build housing includes new build, new build off the shelf and conversion of non-housing property for a housing use.

NSSE – New Supply Shared Equity

Off the shelf – refers to second hand properties bought on the open market and can include buybacks of former right to buy properties.

OMSE – Open Market Shared Equity

Private Finance – includes loan finance, private contributions, Housing Association reserves, sales income from house sales.

Partnership Support for Regeneration (PSR) – formerly known as GRO – Grant for Rent and Owner Occupation. Grants to private developers to kick start the market in areas where there is little or no home ownership currently.

Rehab - refers to existing properties which are undergoing extensive refurbishment and improvements.

RIHF – Rural and Islands Housing Fund

RPA – Resource Planning Assumptions - funding for the AHSP is allocated to local authorities in the form of resource planning assumptions (RPAs), giving each local authority the flexibility to apply the available Scottish Government funding to its strategic priorities within its geographic area.

RSLs – Registered Social Landlords

SBD Secured by Design is a police initiative that improves the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings to provide safe places to live, work, shop and visit. 

SHIPs – Strategic Housing Investment Plans

Site Starts – from 2010 to 2011 counted at point of contractor commencing on site, for all years pre-2009 to 2010 counted at the date of tender approval.

Social Rent – generally rented housing provided by councils and Registered Social Landlords, normally on a Scottish Secure Tenancy.

TMDF – Transfer of the Management of Development Funding (Glasgow and Edinburgh Councils)



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