Affordable Housing Supply Programme: out-turn report - 2022 to 2023

Affordable Housing Supply Programme out-turn report for 2022 to 2023.

Monitoring of affordable housing investment benchmarks

All of the tables can be accessed via the supporting accessible Excel document Annex.

As part of the review of Affordable Housing Investment Benchmarks  we agreed to monitor the number of tender approvals which are approved at, above and below benchmark on an annual basis (with the exception of projects in Glasgow given that the City Council (a) has a separate standard that it requires RSLs to deliver to and (b) undertakes detailed appraisals of all projects) – and publish this information in our annual Affordable Housing Supply Programme out-turn report. We also agreed to analyse, for those projects that are approved above benchmark, the average person size of projects, as well as their geography and tenure (again with the exception of projects in Glasgow) – and publish this information in the annual Affordable Housing Supply Programme out-turn report.

Tables 21 (a), 21 (b), 21 (c), 21 (d) and 21 (e) provide additional monitoring in relation to projects approved against affordable housing investment benchmarks.



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