
Age assessment: practice guidance

This document provides practice guidance for social workers and their managers involved in undertaking age assessments in Scotland.


This Guidance is a revised and updated version of the original Age Assessment Practice Guidance: An Age Assessment Pathway for Social Workers in Scotland produced in 2012 by Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Refugee Council with contributions from COSLA, Edinburgh City Council, UK Border Agency and Legal Services Agency amongst others.

The agencies and representatives which comprise the partnership group which has worked on this revised and updated version of the Guidance are as follows:

Children & Young People's Commissioner Scotland (Megan Farr)

COSLA (Mirren Kelly)

Edinburgh City (Sean Bell, Becky Dunn)

Glasgow City Council (Joanne Garrett, Keith Moore-Milne, Diane Cabrey)

JustRight Scotland (Andy Sirel)

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (Rachel Morley)

Police Scotland (Elaine Galbraith)

Scottish Government/ Social Work Scotland (Belinda McEwan)

Scottish Guardianship Service - Aberlour (Catriona MacSween)

South Lanarkshire Council (Debbie Kennedy)

Stirling Council (Michael Grassom)

United Kingdom Visas & Immigration ( UKVI) (Joanne Pierce)

Special thanks is given to the members of the Child Trafficking Strategy Group in Scotland, COSLA Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Working Group, Chief Social Work Officers Group and Scottish Association of Social Workers for additional review and revisions.

Special thanks is also given to the young people with experience of the age assessment process who contributed their views and the support of Claire Houghton from Edinburgh University.

The partnership group would like to acknowledge the contribution of guidance published for England and Wales to the shaping of this document.


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