
Age assessment: practice guidance

This document provides practice guidance for social workers and their managers involved in undertaking age assessments in Scotland.

Appendix 2: SAMPLE Request for Information

Please note: in adopting this template or similar wording, discussion should take place with the relevant data protection manager/ legal services. Action relating to information sharing must be compliant with the relevant data protection and human rights legislation. Where consent is required, this should be clearly acknowledged and addressed .


I am undertaking an age assessment in respect of X (insert young person's name) and have been made aware that you/ your service currently has or has had previous contact with X. Age assessments are important in determining how best to support a young person.

As part of this assessment and to help me form as complete a picture as possible of X, I am requesting that you provide me with written information detailing your involvement with X and any interaction and observations of him/ her relevant to the age assessment. It would be helpful in your response to include:

  • Brief details of your role and your years of experience including any relevant qualifications you hold;
  • The nature and frequency of your contact with X;
  • Your observations as to how X behaves and interacts with others; and
  • Any contextual/ background information shared by X and any records relevant to the age assessment.

Should you feel that you are in a position to draw any conclusions as to the age of X, please detail the reasons for your opinion and any evidence which supports your conclusion.

Your information will be used as part of our assessment and decision-making process in conjunction with other information, reports and interviews with X. The information you provide will not be used in isolation but will be contribute to the wider consideration of information in reaching a robust assessment of X's age.

It is important that X is aware that you will be providing information about them in relation to their age assessment as this information may be contained or reflected in the final age assessment report.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks for your assistance.


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