Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019: child interview rights - practitioners application guidance

Practitioners application guidance on child interview rights relating to the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019.

Chapter 3: Training

The Scottish Government will organise and fund pre-registration training for assessment of competences required for the role of the ChIRP for solicitors expressing interest in registering as a ChIRP. The ChIRP would be expected to renew this training annually running from the date of registration.

The pre-registration training is expected to span 2 days, will be delivered in person, is likely to take place September / October 2022, and will include :

  • The role and function of ChIRPs
  • The standards expected of ChIRPs
  • How ChIRPs may best ascertain the views of a child
  • The roles and functions of other persons involved in an investigative interview

The Scottish Government will cover the costs for this training.



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