
Age, Home and Community: next phase

This is a refresh of the 2011 publication of the Age, Home and Community strategy.

Shaping the Strategy Refresh

This refresh has been developed with help from many people and organisations. It is the product of collaboration between colleagues from across housing, health, social justice, social care, equality and the third sector. We have also received valuable practical support from stakeholders who have helped gather contributions and views from older people, their families and carers.

Since publication, the direction and progress of the strategy has been monitored by the Older People’s Housing Strategy Monitoring and Advisory Group which meets twice a year. Members include COSLA, Scottish Older People’s Assembly, Age Scotland, ALACHO, housing associations, third sector housing, disability and carers organisations, tenants’ representatives, private house builders and landlords. This group has helped guide and influence the First Five Years report, as well as helping to define the content and purpose of the Next Phase.

Our advisory group members work directly with older people, ensuring a wide range of voices have helped shape and develop the refreshed strategy. We have drawn on the views and experiences of older people to help us gather information on what our focus should be for the next phase of the strategy.

The contribution of housing is also an important consideration in future planning for health and social care, actions on dementia should include housing-related solutions and technology enabled care and telehealth will not achieve full impact unless the role of the home is considered in its development and delivery. We will ensure that government policies align and that services are designed to put individuals firmly at the centre. We will continue to work with our partners and stakeholders to provide the right help at the right time to deliver the right outcomes for individuals.


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