
Age, Home and Community: next phase

This is a refresh of the 2011 publication of the Age, Home and Community strategy.

Underlying Trends

We know that Scotland’s population is getting older and that this will have important public policy implications, which includes housing. Forecasting these demographic trends enables us to plan for services and health provision as well as additional or different housing provision. The graphic and information below outline the key underlying trends that we need to be aware of in ensuring the older people have housing that is appropriate and continues to meet their needs:


The majority of households with someone aged 60 or over a highest income earner own their own home… 64% own their home outright 8% have a mortgage
Source: Scottish Household Survey 2016

Age Scotland receives 8000+ calls a year – 1700 of which are housing queries
Topics include alternative housing, grants or funding availability, tenant’s rights, housing benefit and problem neighbours
Source: Age Scotland data April 2016 – March 2017


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