
Age, Home and Community: next phase

This is a refresh of the 2011 publication of the Age, Home and Community strategy.

Measuring Progress and Reporting Back

We will continue to produce an annual monitoring report to record progress. The report will collate a range of indicators and evidence relative to older people and older people’s housing. The data will position the strategy relative to a number of performance measures at national and local level. The report is intended to provide high level, summary data and a starting point for further analysis.

Work has already been undertaken by analysts to identify National Level Monitoring Outcomes and Indicators, as well as monitoring outcomes at local levels. We will update the existing monitoring and evaluation framework to take account of the new actions.

The actions make a contribution to a number of Scottish Government National Outcomes and National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes as shown below.

Scottish Government National Outcomes National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.

We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination.

We are healthy and active.

We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally.

People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.

People, including those with disabilities or long term conditions, or who are frail, are able to live, as far as reasonably practicable, independently and at home or in a homely setting in their community.

People who use health and social care services have positive experiences of those services, and have their dignity respected.

Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or improve the quality of life of people who use those services.

People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, including reducing any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and well-being.

People using health and social care services are safe from harm.

Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and social care services

Monitoring and Advisory Group

The group will continue to meet twice a year to discuss progress on the actions and to advise on where delivery is not as expected. Following publication of the refreshed strategy, the first action for the group will be to develop a detailed delivery plan to monitor progress at biannual meetings.

Older Peoples Voices

We will continue to work with older people and the organisations that represent them, not only to measure progress made by the refreshed strategy, but also to gather information to reflect current issues and respond to changes impacting on housing for older people.


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