
Age, home and community: a strategy for housing for Scotland's older people 2012-2021

A strategy for providing housing and housing-related support for older people in Scotland.


8.1 This strategy recognises the vital contribution made by our older people, not least in caring for others in society. It is only right, therefore, that we, in turn, should support older people to lead as independent and fulfilling lives as possible. The right housing and support options for older people can meet both their individual needs and help them to live independently, as well as objectives for health and social care and our wider society.

8.2 We are going through extremely challenging times, with an ageing population and reductions in public funding. These challenges can only be tackled in partnership between national and local government, housing associations, the health service and private and voluntary sectors, and by listening to older people and recognising their right to choose what suits them. What is absolutely fundamental, however, is to plan now and put the building blocks in place, together with shared goals and clear strategic leadership nationally and locally. Solutions will not be the same everywhere or for everyone, but an increased focus on prevention should be evident everywhere.

8.3 There is much work to do. This strategy is a milestone, but in reality it is only the start, and there is a long way to go. However, it marks a shared commitment to give greater priority, collectively, to these issues. We will monitor progress closely and undertake a review in 2016. The change that is needed does have an up-front financial cost, but should bring long term savings. Most importantly, it will help us to support our older people to realise their potential with the dignity they deserve, and live independently at home in their communities.



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