
Agricultural transition in Scotland - first steps towards our national policy: consultation analysis

Analysis of the responses received to the Agricultural Transition in Scotland consultation. The consultation was carried out between August 2021 and November 2021.

Appendix C: Sectoral classification

Given the range of sectors represented by respondents, analysts created a broad level of classification for analysis purposes. Respondents were assigned to one of the categories below based on the nature of their organisation.

Table 1: Sectoral classification
Sector Number of responses % of all responses
Individual 224 71
Organisations 90 29
Agriculture or food 36 11
Animal health or welfare 4 1
Environmental 16 5
Farm Businesses 16 5
Other land use 6 2
Other / miscellaneous 12 4

Of the 224 responses from individuals, 11 left an organisation name which meant they could be identified as a farm business. While this means 27 responses were received from farm businesses (9%), it is not possible to establish how many other individuals represented farm businesses.



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