
Agricultural transition in Scotland - first steps towards our national policy: consultation analysis

Analysis of the responses received to the Agricultural Transition in Scotland consultation. The consultation was carried out between August 2021 and November 2021.

Appendix D: Consultation questions


Q1.1: Should agricultural businesses receiving support be required to undertake a level of baseline data collection? Please explain your answer.

Q1.2: Should collected data be submitted for national collation?

Q1.3: What information should be collated nationally? Please explain your answer.

Q1.4: What are the next steps that can be taken to commit businesses to continuous improvement utilising the information presented by carbon, soil, biodiversity auditing? Please explain your answer.

Q1.5: How can baselining activities be incorporated into common business practices across all farm types? Please explain your answer.

Capital funding

Q2.1: Should capital funding be limited to only providing support for capital items that have a clear link to reducing greenhouse gas emissions? If not, why not?

Q2.2: What role should match funding have in any capital funding? Please explain your answer.

Q2.3: What capital funding should be provided to the sector to assist in transformational change, particularly given that in many instances the support called for was directly related productivity or efficiency, that should improve financial returns of the business concerned? Please explain your answer.


Q3.1: Should all farm and crofting businesses be incentivised to undertake actions which enhance biodiversity?

Q3.2: What actions would be required by the farming and crofting sectors to deliver a significant increase in biodiversity and wider-environmental benefits to address the biodiversity crisis? Please explain your answer.

Just transition

Q4.1: What do you see as the main opportunities for crofters, farmers and land managers in a Just Transition to a net zero economy? Please explain your answer.

Q4.2: What do you see as the main barriers for farmers, crofters and land managers in a just transition to a net zero economy? Please explain your answer.


Q5.1: How best can land use change be encouraged on the scale required for Scottish Government to meet its climate change targets? Please explain your answer.


Q6.1: Would incentives for farm plans specifically targeting flock/herd heath, soil health, & crop health (for example) demonstrate real improvements in productivity over time? Please explain your answer.

Q6.2: Should future support be dependent on demonstration of improvements in productivity levels on farm? If so, how would this be measured?

Research and development

Q7.1: In light of ongoing research activities supported by the Scottish Government and the 2022-2027 research strategy, are additional measures needed to ensure research is supporting the agriculture sector to meet its climate change targets? Please explain your answer.

Knowledge and skills

Q8.1: What importance do you attach to knowledge exchange, skills development and innovation in business? Please explain your answer.

Q8.2: What form should tailored, targeted action take to help businesses succeed? Please explain your answer.

Q8.3: Should continuing professional development be mandatory for businesses receiving public support funding? Please explain your answer.

Supply Chains

Q9.1: How can the green credentials of Scottish produce be further developed and enhanced to provide reassurance to both businesses and consumers? Please explain your answer.

Q9.2A: Should farm assurance be linked to requirements for future support? Please explain your answer.

Q9.3: How can ongoing data capture and utilisation be enhanced on Scottish farms and crofts? Please explain your answer.



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