
Agriculture facts and figures: 2018

Summary indicators concerning aggregate output, inputs and incomes as well as results from the agricultural census and surveys.

Scottish agriculture in 2017

Non- LFA LFA Total
Number of holdings 15,600 35,538 51,138
Agricultural land: hectares hectares hectares
Wheat 99,865 9,624 109,489
Barley 220,938 70,409 291,347
Oats 24,596 8,029 32,625
Oilseeds 31,790 2,398 34,188
Potatoes 26,837 2,448 29,285
Other crops 46,334 26,541 72,875
Fruit and vegetables 20,200 1,531 21,731
Total grass 283,355 1,035,452 1,318,807
Rough grazing 37,437 3,097,296 3,134,733
Other land 78,316 630,883 709,199
Total agricultural land (1) 869,668 4,884,610 5,754,278
Livestock: number number number
Dairy cows (2) 54,712 119,730 174,442
Beef cows (2) 88,314 344,498 432,812
Total cattle and calves 509,628 1,272,075 1,781,703
Breeding ewes 259,247 2,401,609 2,660,856
Total sheep and lambs 761,247 6,223,770 6,985,017
Pigs 259,832 66,009 325,841
Poultry 9,930,229 4,359,223 14,289,452

Many holdings have both LFA and non- LFA land. Holdings have been allocated based on their larger share, with all that holding’s land and livestock included in that category thereafter.
(1) Excludes common grazing
(2) Cows refer to female cattle aged of 2 or over, with offspring


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