Agriculture facts and figures: 2018

Summary indicators concerning aggregate output, inputs and incomes as well as results from the agricultural census and surveys.

Total expenditure under main payment schemes

£ million 2007 2014 2015 2016 2017
Single Farm Payment 404.900 379.760 z z z
Basic Payment Scheme z z 219.491 251.651 280.934
Greening z z 115.397 130.911 141.762
Young Farmer Payment z z 0.962 1.580 1.885
Less-Favoured Area Support Scheme 59.200 64.720 65.500 62.567 65.500
Scottish Beef Calf/Beef Scheme 27.759 20.658 z z z
Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme z z 30.417 37.509 40.166
Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme z z 5.380 6.587 7.088
Land Managers Options z 6.818 5.204 2.124 2.208
Rural Stewardship Scheme 24.868 0.166 0.101 z z
Rural Priorities z 35.545 28.175 14.327 12.526
Others (1) 61.845 2.757 16.802 4.059 1.610
Total 578.572 510.424 487.429 511.315 553.677

Subsidies net of modulation monies where appropriate
(1) Includes Environmentally Sensitive Areas Payments, Countryside Premium Scheme, Organic Aid Scheme, Land Management Contract Menu, Arable Area Payment Scheme, Farm Woodland Scheme, Farm Woodland Premium Scheme, Farmland Premium Scheme, Chernobyl Compensation payments and other compensation payments, including severe weather payments and EU Dairy Fund, and Fallen Stock.
z = not applicable


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