
Agriculture facts and figures: 2018

Summary indicators concerning aggregate output, inputs and incomes as well as results from the agricultural census and surveys.

Farm Business Income ( FBI) and direct subsidies per farm by type of farming, 2015-16 and 2016-17

Farm Type 2015-16 2016-17
Subsidy &
Subsidy & payments as a ratio of output Subsidy & payments as
a ratio of FBI
Farm Business
Subsidy &
Subsidy & payments as a ratio of output Subsidy & payments as
a ratio of FBI
£/farm £/farm £/farm £/farm
Cereals 7,835 29,125 0.16 3.72 20,589 31,978 0.17 1.55
General cropping 30,692 30,355 0.12 0.99 47,080 36,102 0.13 0.77
Dairy 1,698 31,011 0.08 18.26 34,696 35,294 0.08 1.02
LFA sheep 8,057 37,283 0.45 4.63 14,048 38,965 0.46 2.77
LFA beef 23,190 45,858 0.27 1.98 25,565 46,678 0.28 1.83
LFA mixed cattle & sheep 22,356 51,191 0.33 2.29 35,284 54,925 0.32 1.56
Lowland cattle
& sheep
12,163 32,392 0.20 2.66 18,252 34,325 0.21 1.88
Mixed 1,460 35,077 0.18 24.03 24,168 40,522 0.18 1.68
All 13,342 38,496 0.20 2.89 26,402 41,307 0.24 1.56

Not adjusted for inflation


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